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wahhh! im so sorry this isnt well written, im going to be honest, this is a totally different part from the first 1.4, i read the original over and over again and it wouldn't connect to the story. hopefully, it'll come to the story :)


[ trigger warning ]

it was quiet.

so silent that you could hear the people arguing underneath your feet, it really reminds you of the situation your in, they just yell every day. Your parents are always keeping secrets from you, they lie with a smile that their marriage is going well.

then one day you hear your own mother yelling at your father for sleeping with some bitch. And how he doesn't even let his own child have his private phone number, but his work number. "huh, guess im lower than some bitch... haha, i hate this. Why did a glass shatter,". Your mom, she comes into your room and just cries. She cries for comfort as your father doesn't have a single tear falling down, which all means that. "Daddy's a liar,"

mother, she tries her best for everything, she just wanted to have a normal family like all of the other relatives. i grew aware that dad was done with mom, the whole year he was gone from my sight. He would yell at me for doing nothing and all i could bare saying to him was, "you are never here, you never see the hard work mom does for me,"

finally, he leaves your sight on August 25, just a week after school had started. Oh, of course, you are silent about it, people will think you're doing it for attention. Some people in the school have divorced parents and tell you how they go to their moms for a week than their fathers.

i refuse to sleep near my dad, he is a monster. i see nothing. im happy that he's gone mom. don't fall for him again, look at the pain he's brought to you.


he's bribing my mom with gifts, this sight disgusts me. i never wanted to see your face on a jolly day, you probably didn't even help mom, did you? i want to go to my room and cry, i hate him so much.

hes into my life again, i never asked for this. the school counselor never talked to me even when i rated my family situation a 2, well a 1 and a half.

"probably the reason dad could easily pick up another woman without them being suspicious is because he lost his wedding ring after the first year and 20 years later never decided to get a new one." i chuckled, hes so smart. but hes a monster, who calls me names.

i wanted to find something, i wanted to know if my mom kept my birthday letter. she did. she put it on top of the fire, smiling proudly i go to the kitchens bin and see a teared up birthday card, i immediately notice that its my fathers hand-writing.


i go to school, everyone is talking about their parents, but lies come out of my mouth, of course, a person caught onto my lies and offered me support as i spilled everything that has happened to me.

of course after i spill my pain and anger i start to forget about him, i forget that monster for once. but there's another problem now, my mother. she eats less and less every day. i haven't told her anything to this day. She also skips out on dinner, leaving me all alone with the hung up picture of my dog. i dont know how to approach this issue, if i come off to harsh, then would she just keep doing it?

every day i try to forget about the thought of my mom killing herself because of all her issues, she doesnt have a job, she still believes that dad will come back. and he did, pretending nothing had ever happened to this family.

for me as a school student time goes by fast and before i even knew it i got the news that my dad is moving out. but the forever question circles my head, will they ever get divorced.

but once my dad moves out it'll mean that me and my mother would be broke with little amounts of money.


Finally waking up from my daydream, nothing has happened in the past few months expect the fact that me and my mom are moving somewhere else by the end of the month. and that she'll have to get a job quick so she can support me. Were on break at the moment so its a good time to pack and move everything there by car.

i find baby pictures of myself and pictures of my mom. can't find one of my dad though, not that i care so much but its strange that out of all these 100 photos there's not a single photo of him. its just me and sometimes my mom.

if i took my own life, my mom would have nothing left. she would have no reason to live, as i read in the letter i had found that was for my dad. the last sentence got me crying.

"once Nagito graduates school and goes on with his life, then maybe i can end mine." she's so stupid sometimes, i had told her so many times that i would chase her until the very end.

I sigh, and go onto my phone seeing the group chat blow up from edited pictures of Kokichis face with a muscular body and everyone making fun of it. They make me giggle as i read through the messages, im so happy i found these serious boneheads.

We have a long conversation of stupid stuff and i turn off my phone and just collapse at my bed, looking at my laptop it reminds me how i got addicted at this game that i had found and noticed how it was made in 2007. meaning almost everyone were high digits. time flies


the game at the end was osu!

sorry for this weird chapter, its a background check of Nagitos story. and yes, there is another 1.4 which was way to random. im so sorry

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