3 | Betrayed

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Chirping of birds and rustling of rodents is what I woke up to. My eyes felt groggy and hard to open. In fact I wasn't even fully awake. I laid in the same position, my body twisted and uncomfortable.

Coldness numbed my limbs. After a while of dozing in and out of consciousness I found the need to get up. There was no sun, the sky was overcast with dark angry clouds.

I scanned my immediate surroundings for any signs of the monster from last night. Nothing. Nothing moved, the ground held no ape foot prints either.

It's seems like I'm not in danger at the moment. I rose from the cold earth with difficulty. My body screamed at me to stop.

It's way past Dawn. That must mean I missed the battle. I tried to imagine Papa's face when I arrive. Better be prepared for another beating.

Finding my way back to the path was easy. I wasn't thrown very far away from it. In the early morning light the road looked much more welcoming than the dark, torch lite one last night.

Attempting to warm myself up, I rubbed my hands together and put them in my armpits. The armor I wore plus the cotton shirt and bandages helped. The pants I recently stole of a samurai kept my legs warm enough.

I tried to hurry down the path to catch up with my family. Having seen only 11 winters my body is quite small. My legs aren't very long. The armor jingled and bounced as I ran, it didn't fit me.

My black hair is up in a loose ponytail that is threatening to come out with every foot fall.

The path turned to the left but in front of me was a clearing that then slopes down into a valley. I crouched down beside a boulder. Down below, what I saw made my breath hitch.

First all I saw was the white flags that belonged to the samurai and the fort that held many soldiers

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First all I saw was the white flags that belonged to the samurai and the fort that held many soldiers. Then I saw other details.

A few men dressed in dark clothing and armor were dotted on the slope before me. They were men I recognized from my troop. Arrows stuck out of all of them.

I gasped and hid my head low in the grass.

I realized they were fired upon as soon as they ran down this hill to attack. Which means the samurai knew they were coming.

Was Papa among those dead men?

Someone from the bandits had to have ratted us out. I wracked my brain for answers.

Only men are down there, so that must mean at least Mama and Dororo had gotten away. I need to go find them.

Carefully I started to crawl backwards.

"There's a spy!" A male voice yelled.

Two men ran down the trail towards me. They were probably on guard.

Where's my spear?!


I scrambled to get away. Without a way to defend myself I am basically useless.

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