8 | The Kitsune

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My sense of self returned to me. Again I can see, hear and feel. Right now though, with all five senses returned it's more like a curse than a blessing.

Sticky red liquid clung to my hands all the way up to my elbows. Dirt and leaves mixed in with the mess on my body. The red kimono I wore is completely ruined.

It looked like I slaughtered a wild boar. Except for the animalistic stench that lingers after a fresh boar hunt. Cringing at the sticky feel of the blood I searched my surroundings. Nearby my eyes caught the glimpse of a truly gruesome sight.

The source of the blood on me came from this human body. Or what used to be a human. He's now just an unrecognizable corpse.

I should probably be more sympathetic, shouldn't I?

"Sorry I killed you. ...And ate you."

That was a demon who appeared to me? A Kitsune? She seemed to be a very powerful kitsune. With all nine tails and whatnot.

I don't know much about fox spirits, but I've heard of stories about foxes possessing human hosts. It used to be a campfire story the bandits would tell after a successful day of raiding.

That's what happened to me? It made me eat a human being. Disgusting.

"You enjoyed that man's flesh as much as I did. Don't lie to yourself, little kit."

A woman's voice spoke and it started me. Whipping around I checked the surrounding forest for the culprit. It's just me in this summer wood. To humor myself I spoke back.

"Who are you?" I asked. The voice did not return. The feeling that lingers over me somehow frightens me. It feels strong and violent. No longer hungry. Like a satisfied beast.

I left the dead man to the Earth Mother and started my treck back to the road.

I enjoyed that man's flesh...

A coppery taste lingered on my tongue. My grimy fingernails has bits and pieces of skin and blood underneath. It fascinates and disgusts me at the same time. I sucked my lip and tasted more blood.

Yesterday if I was told I'd eat a man's heart and liver I'd have turn away. Today though, I'd say "he tasted like luxurious meat that is to be served to the Emperor." My hunger is completely gone. I've never felt this energized in all my short life.

The red Kimono is draped uselessly around my waist, holding on by the obi belt alone. Warm baked summer wind brushes against my naked chest. The road came into view. Following it, I made it back to the Kitsune Shrine.

Exploring more of the building, I found the shrine to be a lot larger than I thought it was. Everything a woman would need to live and more is organized in the shrine.

I don't know who lives here or why I was brought here. But I need to replace the tattered dirty kimono. It feels wrong to intrude on a shrine like this. It's all so strange. I thought shrines were supposed to be where gods' sprits live. This one is clearly made for a physical person to live in.

Just who lives here?

"We live here." The same woman's voice echoed in my head. I have questions but the woman continued talking.

"This is my shrine, I am the protector of Daigo's land. It has been built for me. And now it has been built for you."

I have a place to live now? —that's not the point.

"Where is Daigo? He tricked me. No one told me I was going to be stuck with you in my head and kill and innocent man."

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