5 | True Colors

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The first battle with the samurai four seasons ago began my personal training. With every fight I've only gotten stronger. The samurai don't even know that they are harboring a traitor in their ranks.

On the outside I pretend to obey and be the perfect soldier. When the time came to show my other side, my true side, I murdered the men who thought it was safe to be around me.

When I returned from the war I was treated differently. The samurai let me have weapons and train with them.

They know nothing about what I've been truly doing during war. I always returned soaked in blood, they just assumed it was the enemies's.

My strength came back in the form of muscle. Although, my body was going through puberty and becoming a issue. I was becoming a woman.

Taking precautions to hide my body at all cost was difficult. Bathing was hard to come by, I take no risks and bath only when I knew there was no one around. This wasn't ideal.

There are worse things than personal hygiene.

"Hikoro. The General has requested your presence. Wipe that dirt off your face." A gruff man called to me. I rubbed at my cheek bones, I didn't wipe it off though. Just smudged it more to cover whatever feminine features I have.

The things like this make living during wartimes hard. Meetings with the General usually involve death. It's war, everything involves death.

I followed the escort to the fancy part of the camp sight. Wooden buildings were constructed for the high ranking samurai. The rest of the camp was Tent City. the low ranking soldiers slept in tents with little anything else to live on. At least food was provided.

There are a few hundred soldiers in this camp, why does this General dude wanna talk to me? Did I finally get caught?

I blocked out the anxious feeling. If I die today then, we'll then nothing. I have no one who cares for me. No one who will miss me.

I hold my head high and looked upon the man dressed out in full garb. All his obnoxious medals rested on his armored chest. The armor itself was red, black and gold in color. Signs of wealth.

The General removed his helmet to reveal the very man whom I've detested all my life.

The traitor himself, Itachi gave me the most smug look. Anger rose within me. It burned and clawed to be let free.

It took everything I had to stand still. But I couldn't control the look of pure rage that took my face by storm.

Itachi enjoyed this reunion it seems. I haven't seen him in about a year. Joe could he possibly cloned so high in ranks since then? I bet he did what he does best, cheat and lie.

"I was in the area you see, and I thought 'hm, I wonder how that boy is doing? Did he die yet?' Now I see that you're still alive and kicking. How have you been Hikoro? Did you find who you were looking for?" Itachi asked me while with a  mock musing look on his ugly face. He waited patiently for my response. I gave him none.

I don't want to do this today.

I turned to leave. Behind me stood the man who called me to go see the General. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and took a step forward. I got the idea, no leaving without permission.

"Come on, what's wrong? Was it something I said?" Itachi taunted. He stood up from the chair and began to make his way towards me. The feeling of wanting to flee increased. Something bad is about to happen.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. But if you don't mind me asking. How is it that you are a samurai when you have been deceiving us all this time?" I flinched at his words. How could he know I've been killing the wrong side? He hasn't even seen me since I left for war?

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