13 | Phantom Pain

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"It's poison. She will undoubtably die without treatment. I advise you to call the physician here. The one that takes care of Lady Oku is a skilled man, he could heal the blight."

"Do you think so low of me that I need to be advised by you, a maid? Go then. Call Oku's doctor here. However, do not tell anyone why, if Tahomaru comes then you'll be the one responsible. Go!"

I awoke to Daigo's ugly irritated voice. Groggy and half asleep I remain unmoving. Everything is a blur, I don't remember what happened to put me here. I must've done something bad again for Daigo to be here. Also, where is here? Come on think.

"Tahomaru" I said. It came out of my mouth sounding like homaru. I remember now. Tahomaru was attacked. By a succubus demon. And I...I ate the demon. My gag reflex acted up again.

A bucket was shoved into my hands. Only blood came from my mouth. Looking up at the lord of the land his face held no sympathy for me. Somehow for a second, the fastest second, I thought I saw my father.

"Monster." Daigo muttered so quietly I barely heard it. Resting my head back down on the hard pillow I continue to stare at Daigo. Any minute he'll tell me how he plans on punishing me. I just know it.

Instead Daigo turned with a dramatic flair and left.

The next human to enter the room is an elder man with a sack of herbs and a whole ginseng root. His discomfort is obvious. He knows what I am. The smell of fear strikes hunger in me. Fortunate for this doctor person fatigue and death both have tight grips on me. So I will not be eating anyone.

Although, if he were to bend over to check my vitals I could... a couching fit erupts from my lungs. With an upside down cup the doctor bends over and listens to my heart beat. Even though I want to feed, I can't just eat my doctor.

"Sit up" he requests. I sit up with effort. With the cup once again he presses it to my back to listen to my lungs.

The rest of the time the doctor worked on me was fast and efficient.  With a mortar and pestil he concocted a chunky, bitter, spicy tasting medicine.

"I didn't ask for your help. Old man." I cough. The old doctors face turns down in what looks like sympathy.

"Help is never asked for by your kind, you will die one day because you refuse to seek it." He gives a short bow and leaves the room. I can still hear him reciting prayers to Buda.

How is Hyakkimaru? I wonder how the fight ended.

"Get up." A burning liquid pours on my face. I'm awake in an instant and rubbing my stinging eyes. The invasive smell of rice liquor tells me that someone with a death wish dumped their sake on me.

"My unit heading out to the border, you're to join us in defeating the Sakai clan." The man with a death wish, the current General is one of the few men whom I have to listen to according to Lord Daigo. It's probably Daigo's orders to bring me to the fight. So even though I'm still recovering from demon food poisoning, I have to go. In the simple kimono the servants dressed me in I follow the general obediently.

"She saved me, Father! Why will you not listen to what I have to say!" Tahomaru's voice calls my attention.

"This has nothing to do with you, Tahomaru." Daigo said. Rounding the corner I catch a glimpse of the boy and his father. Is Tahomaru begging?

"Stupid child. If he was mine I would-" the General cut off what he was going to say probably because he knew speaking ill of his Lord is treason.

"What would you do?" I ask. Treason is punishable by death.

"Shut your mouth, demon." Without a second thought he backhanded me. Stumbling from the surprise I touch my bruising face, I taste blood.

I make eye contact with Tahomaru. All these humans must see me as a pathetic being, not even worth being afraid of. Not worth being treated as if I have feelings. I'm just a demon to them.

"Are you going to just let that happen Father? He hit her." For the first time I heard Tohomaru's anger. Dare I lose eye contact with him, the only person who has showed concern for me.

"He hit a demon. That thing is not human Tohomaru. It does not return your kindness! It saved you so it could eat you! Don't you understand?" Daigo barked his venomous words. Tahomaru's expression grew hateful towards his father.

"Leave. You have a duty to perform demon. Do it without fail." Daigo shooed the General and I away.

"Please Father. Let me join the army to suppress the Sakai clan, I'll crush that little domain like it's nothing! I can be of use too!" Tahomaru said desperately.

"Go back to your training." Daigo said to him.

The brute General pushed me to start moving forward. I didn't look back at Tahomaru, but I felt his eyes follow me.

"Sakai's army at the border hasn't made a move. It's a deadlock." I stand with the rest of Daigo's army. My body and face masked so the other men cannot recognize me as a woman. It's the best corse of action, what would the men say if they saw a woman samurai? Rumors would spread, nevermind that I'm a demon.

"Lord Daigo is angry." The General complains to a group of samurai.

"So he won't be sending provisions?" A samurai asks.

"He'll send them. Reinforcements too. But it would be an embarrassment to wait. We will plan a surprise attack! Don't show the Sakai anything out of the ordinary. Tell every soldier to be weary for Sakai's spies!" The General orders.

"Yes, sir!" We all respond. The group dispersed into smaller groups. Some set out to patrol and prepare for the attack, others went to take a nap. I wandered away to patrol the border.

Out of nowhere a phantom pain struck my leg right below the knee. I bit down on my tongue so I couldn't scream. Knelling on the ground I breath heavily through my nose until the pain went away.

Only the pain didn't leave. Holding tightly onto my leg, I make sure it's still attached to my body.

"Hyakkimaru." I grit my teeth. What happened to you?

A thought suddenly plagued me.

If I feel this pain because of something that happened to Hyakkimaru then... what if he were to die? Would I die too?

I have to find him. I need to protect him incase my theory is correct.

Since when do I care about such things? Am I actually worried for myself or am I really worried for this boy I've never met?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2019 ⏰

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