After working for a bit at the cafe with Jimin and Mrs Park I sat down and had some food with the two other people

When I finished my food and drink we locked up the cafe since it was quite late at night now so I started to head home but not before I got an offer for a ride but I decided to decline the request not wanting to be a burden to them

They smiled and said they don't mind but I stood my ground and kept my answer the same saying I don't mind walking in fact I actually kind of like it

Once they realised I wasn't giving up they finally let me go free, so I set off on my journey back to my apartment, I was pretty happy to see them again since I had been in the hospital from my incident before, it was good seeing them I needed their smiles and energy to keep me going for today at least.

It started to rain but I was pretty close to my apartment so I didn't really mind, as I walked by an alleyway I could hear whimpers from a girl and drunk voices of two men 'Crap! what do I do, what to do what to do??' I was having an internal debate with myself help or leave like I didn't know about anything but then I heard her voice

"Please, please don't touch me my mummy will be hear soon" I heard her pleads and I heard her voice, she was really young by her words and sound of her voice, there is no way I can leave her she is only little, but this situation was bringing back scary memories from when I was younger 'I don't wanna go through it again, but I can't leave her, are you really that selfish?, but I am scared' after I internally yelled at myself I kicked my body into gear and started running towards the girl

It was revolting what I saw, a girl who was probably only Six or Seven years of age up against a wall with two fully grown men closing in one her, "Hey would you jerks back off" I shouted whilst pushing one out the way to shield the child with my body and she instantly latched onto the back of my shirt

"Oh look at this we really did catch a treat don't ya think Owen?" One asked looking at me licking his lips whilst the other moved forward and tried to touch me but before he could I turned around picked up the girl and slapped him across the face pushing past the second and started running towards the open street once again

"Quick get her Ben don't just stand there dumbass" the one called Owen spoke out to his friends whilst running after me, luckily we had made it out to the street where everyone can see us so they couldn't attack us, I put the girl down and turned around to speak to her "Hey do you know where you saw your mummy last?" I asked in a soft voice but then suddenly we here shouting cross the street

"OH MY GOODNESS MY SHILD THERE YOU ARE I HAVE BEEN RUNNING AND LOOKING FOR YOU FOR AGES NOW NEVER RUN AWAY FROM MUMMY AGAIN" The women shouted taking the girl and hugging her instantly "Sorry mummy but there were these men and they said they could help but they lied but this nice women came and helped me" The child spoke whilst pointing at the alley then to me all I did was smile

"You helped my daughter how can I repay you please tell me I will give you anything I can" The mother was quick with her words not giving them a second thought because she was just happy her child was safe "Next time keep a closer eye on her she could have gotten seriously hurt watch her more" Was all I said before waving to the child and saying bye to them both 

After that little incident I ran home so I would not be caught by anyone because the thoughts if what was happening was still scaring me a little.

I got to my apartment opened the door quickly and slammed it shut just as fast locking it to for extra safety,  as I finished being paranoid I walked into my kitchen sighing I went through so many flashbacks just trying to help a little girl I am kinda pathetic, then my 'Urges' started to appear again and it wasn't feeling good especially with the mindset I am in right now 

I couldn't handle them anymore my 'Urges' became too much and so I went to the bathroom to deal with them 

Trigger Warner there is going to be self harm just a warning so if you uncomfortable with that kind of stuff don't read 

I went into the bathroom and locked the door behind me turned on the light and found the razor that I keep just for my 'Urges' it looked old I would need to replace it soon 

I got it out and washed it to get any old germs off and put it against my skin, I couldn't even feel the pain anymore not any physical pain at least I was only effected mentally which makes it easier to hurt myself 

As I thought about all my flaws and problems, the 'urges' got worse and so I put it against my arms and started to cut them three blades on one razor so I got multiple cuts each time and I would move up and down my arms in rows sometimes even doing a full circle of cuts around the whole bit of my arm but only to make it look pretty

I pulled the razor away and stared a both arms putting them both out in front of me to get a full view of them, the blood was pouring out of the soon to be scars I just made and it was dripping onto the floor and soaking into my clothes turning everything a dark red colour

I wasn't finished yet not quite I still had so many things I needed to say to myself I had so many things to let out and hate on so I did it using my razor

I pulled my pants down and put it on my thighs and started making soon-to-be scars on them as well, the blood dripping all the way down my lips seeping into my soaks and turning them and beautifully dark shade of red as well

The worst part was I barely felt any pain only a slight sting at the beginning because I hadn't been able to do it in a while 

Self harm over

After my little incident I got changed nearly straight away and had a shower getting rid of that dark red on my skin even if it was only for a little bit and as soon as I got out I addressed the wounds and started cleaning the bathroom


Vote and Comment if you enjoyed

Sorry for any spelling mistakes and sorry for the Self Harm bit

This is a bit of a longer chapter, I was meant to post like five chapters last night but Wattpad had messed up and my chapter had been deleted so had to start from the beginning 

Until Next Time Darlings Xxx

Unforgiving Life ☑️//P.JM//Completed Where stories live. Discover now