"Can I kiss You?"

I was stunned by the question, I didn't expect him to ask me, I didn't expect him to even like me in that way, What do I do? What do I say?

Before I had chance to react he started speaking again "Let me re-phrase that" - "I AM going to kiss you" and then he swooped in and kissed me, it wasn't even on the cheek it was a long lasting, firm but soft kiss on the lips and I didn't even pull away  I kissed him back.

A couple seconds later we both pulled away and my eyes flutter open again "I have been dying to kiss you for a while now but I was never man enough to do it" Jimin says laughing at the end.

"Well if it helps I really enjoyed it" I say staring at him in awe "Good because it is going to happen a lot more Jagiya" He spoke with a smile on his face and all I could do was blush at his comment

After our kiss and the little conversation afterwards making it clear we were definitely dating he left for the night and I went back in smiling, I don't think I have ever been this happy, the boy I like likes me back and we even kissed, he was my first kiss and I am so happy I shared it with him

I cleared up the mess in the living room we had both left behind getting rid of the Pizza, Coke cans, turning off the T.V. And folding the blankets, after doing all of this I turned off all the lights and went to my bedroom, I wouldn't be cutting myself tonight I was definitely in the mood I was too happy

*Next Morning*

It was the next morning, I was still in a good mood I had slept great last night which hadn't happened in a while and ut was all because I was thinking of him, our kiss, his smile and his voice

He has been plaguing my mind a lot lately and I finally figured out why it was because I loved him but I haven't told him, I need too....

I was making myself a Coffee to get me going before I started my morning routine when there was a knock at the door 'Who could that be?' "COMING ONE SECOND" I opened it to see Jimin standing there with a bouquet of flowers and his beautiful eye smile resting

"Hey Jagiya"

That sentence I have been dying to hear it for so long and now it is actually happening and I don't know what to do, I have never had a boyfriend hell I have never had any friends 'FUCK... BRAIN DO YOUR JOB HELP ME OUT HERE' I mentally thought to myself "Are you okay Jagi?"  He quickly got worried after a minute if me just standing there "Are you allergic to the flowers? Do you not like them? Was I to forward going?" he was so sweet

I just started laughing quietly looking down "I am fine, I was just thinking how amazing you are" I mumbled quietly but he still managed to hear and after he did he lifted my head up and kissed me on the lips again

His lips. His lips always looked so soft a kissable they were so plump and had a tint to them, his lips really suited him

I kissed him back instantly not wanting him to think I didn't want this because I most definitely do

"I... Love...Kissing...You" He said one word after each peck on the lips "So do I but I haven't brushed my teeth yet so stop" I spoke whilst covering my mouth "Why are you here so early anyways?" "Is it that bad that I wanted to come and see my GIRLFRIEND without telling her first, it was meant to be a surprise"

"I really loved this surprise come in and wait whilst I get ready then we can go out a do something before our appointment at the hospital" I was walking and talking at the same time he had shut the door behind us and made his way over to the couch

Unforgiving Life ☑️//P.JM//Completed Where stories live. Discover now