The Day They Met

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It was tradition in the Prince family that on your 17th birthday, you'd go out on your first hunting mission. So, for Roman, all of the training he'd received over the last 10 years would be put to the test that night. Vampire hunting was in his blood, many members of his family had given their lives for the cause and he would be expected to do the same if it came down to it. Roman was with his dad, preparing to leave.

"Father... this doesn't feel right. I don't understand why they should be hunted."

Much to his father's dismay, Roman could become very emotional, meaning he would feel guiltier than he should about leaving with the intention to kill.

"They have slaughtered way too much of our family for me to even count. Trust me, son. It has to be done."

Roman sighed and nodded.

"Okay, I think you're ready." said his father.

He patted his son on the back and walked with him to the edge of the forest that was located behind their house.

"As soon as you've killed one of those... monsters, meet me back here."

Roman nodded and left his father's side. He had his crossbow at the ready and slowly edged his way deeper and deeper into the forest.

"I can't do this!" exclaimed Virgil.

Virgil Black had been a vampire for almost 17 years and now had to prove that he was good enough to carry the Black family name. Part of his family's job, as the most feared and most famous vampire family in America, was to go out and lead humans, more specifically the hunters, away from the homes of themselves and other vampire families. This had been tradition for many, many years and much of Virgil's family had been brutally murdered by the hunters. Virgil's mother was the most supportive of his parents, as his father never seemed to have time for him. He was always planning something that Virgil and his mother weren't allowed to know about.

"Yes you can, just believe in yourself. I want to still be able to know you when the night is over."

A tear rolled down his mother's cheek. If Virgil failed in his task to lead the hunters away, he would be shunned and cast out. He'd be alone. Virgil nodded to his mother who was smiling proudly at him.

*Time Skip* 

Virgil was hiding in some bushes, he could see a hunter that he didn't recognise from any of his family's stories.

-I can't do this- he thought to himself.

He took a step back to leave but stood on a twig and... SNAP!

SNAP! Roman turned so that he was facing the direction from which the sound had originated. He saw someone trying to get away. Without thinking, Roman shot at them with his crossbow. 

Virgil knew he'd been spotted. He turned and began to run as fast as he could, but Roman's shooting was far too quick and precise. Before Virgil could get out of the hunter's sight, a sharp pain shot up his leg and he fell to the ground. He tried to pull the arrow out, but when he grabbed it, his hand began to burn. Almost instantly, he let it go.

-I did it- Roman thought to himself excitedly.

He ran in the same direction he'd shot in and approached the vampire.

"You should know better than to mess with the Prince family." he stated.

Roman couldn't see the face of the vulnerable, weakened vampire in front of him as his head was down, looking at his injured leg.

Virgil could hear footsteps approaching but kept his head down and his focus on his leg and the large arrow sticking out of it. The footsteps stopped in front of him and he heard the hunter speak, Virgil was too shaken up to hear him. Tears fell down his cheeks.

Roman sighed. He was confused as to why the vampire hadn't attempted to get away or hurt him. Roman knelt down in front of him and saw that his cheeks were tear-stained. He noticed how the vampire's purple eyes glistened with tears in the moonlight. Roman immediately began to feel guilty.

"You're just a boy. Just like me..." he observed.

Virgil looked up and panicked, seeing the hunter so close to him.

"G-get away from me." he mumbled, backing away from him.

"No. Let me help you..."

Roman moved forward on his knees and pulled the arrow out of Virgil's leg.

"Go." he told him, unable to bring himself to hurt the boy.

After the arrow was out of his leg, the wound healed quickly. Virgil smiled weakly when the hunter told him to leave.

"Thank you..."

No sooner than thanking him did Virgil run off home.

Roman left to go and meet his father.

-Who was he?- they both wondered.

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