Formally Meeting

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It was the day after Roman had met the mysterious young vampire and he didn't know what to think. He was eating breakfast with his parents and decided that he should voice his concerns.

"Father, may I ask you something?"

His father nodded, signalling it was okay for him to proceed.

"It's just- is it possible for a vampire to be... good?"

Roman's parents looked at each other and both began laughing hysterically. It took the two of them a while to compose themselves, but once they had, his father replied.

"Don't be absurd! What could've possibly made you think that?"

Roman shrugged.

"May I be excused?"

His mother nodded once. Roman left. He rushed upstairs to his room and grabbed his jacket.

"I'm going for a walk in the forest!" he called to his parents as he headed back downstairs and to the front door.

He threw on his jacket.

"Be careful!" his mother answered sweetly.

Roman smiled and pulled his hood up before heading out towards the forest. 

Virgil woke up to find his mother at his bedside.

"Good morning. Your father has a job for you."

Virgil sighed and got up. He sped around his bedroom, clothes flying everywhere. Eventually, he settled on a dark purple shirt, black ripped jeans and a black and purple hoodie which he tied around his waist.

"What's the job?" Virgil asked, though he was sure that he already knew the answer.

"Forest patrol. I know it's nothing special but you are still new to this."

Virgil nodded and hugged his mother before heading out. Soon enough, he was in the centre of the forest. He heard someone singing and quickly hid up in the tree that was closest to him.

Roman walked through the forest. He was hoping, deep down, to run into the vampire he'd met the previous night. The journey to the centre of the forest took a while, so Roman sang to himself in an attempt to pass the time. Soon thereafter, he'd reached the centre.

Virgil must've been out patrolling for longer than he thought, because the next thing he knew, the boy he'd heard singing came into view. He saw him become surrounded by his family who, he assumed, were out looking for him. Virgil's father was amongst the group of vampires surrounding the hunter.

Roman was frozen, he didn't know what to do to get out of this situation. The only thing he could think to do was try to reason with the group.

"What do you want?"

Virgil's father chuckled.

"The young Prince has some courage! What do you guys say we knock it out of him?"

Upon hearing this and the shouts of agreement from the group of vamps, Roman was flooded with fear. He closed his eyes as footsteps approached him.


Virgil jumped down, landing in front of the scared boy.

Roman opened his eyes but kept them fixed to the ground in front of him.

"Why are you defending him?!" Virgil's father asked angrily.

"He's a human! Not just any human, a hunter!"

Virgil glared at his father.

"He's innocent, he hasn't hurt us!"

"Son, hand him over or you're on your own!"

Virgil sighed and backed away from his father and the rest of his family, excluding his mother as she had stayed home.

"I'm sorry..."

Virgil picked Roman up bridal-style and ran as fast as he could.

"Should we go after them?" one of the men asked Virgil's father.

"No! He's made his choice! He's betrayed all of us!"

Virgil stopped at the edge of the forest and carefully put Roman down.

Roman pulled down his hood.

"You!" they said in unison.

Virgil rubbed his arm awkwardly and looked down at the ground.

"Th-thank you for helping me..."

Virgil glanced up at him and simply nodded.

"I-I should go..." he said, starting to back away from Roman.

"Wait! Where will you go?"

Virgil stopped and shrugged.

"I'll figure it out..."

Roman smiled at him sadly.

"I'm Roman, by the way."


He smiled softly and nodded to Roman. With that, he turned and ran through the trees and deep into the forest.

Forbidden Love (Prinxiety)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن