Saving His Life

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*Time Skip*

The two of them now had less than two hours to find another way to save Virgil. The boy in question was seriously panicking, pacing back and forth beside Roman's bed.

"We aren't going to find another way and it's too late to find my true love, I'm going to die!"

Roman got off of the bed and put his hands on Virgil's shoulders.

"We still have time."

Virgil shook his head.

"R-Ro, I don't feel too good." he mumbled.

His breaths started to become slower and heavier. He felt lightheaded and his skin was much paler than usual.

"Calm down, you need to keep your strength up."

"O-okay... I-"

He couldn't finish his sentence. Virgil stumbled backwards.

"Are you alright, Virge?"


He dropped to his knees, holding his head in his hands. 

Roman immediately knelt down beside him.

"I-It hurts s-so m-much..." he said through tears and screams of pain.

"Y-you don't h-have l-long, h-help me."

Virgil passed out before Roman could respond.

 The young Prince carefully lifted him and placed him on the bed.

Virgil had an extremely high temperature and was sweating profusely. In his unconscious state, Virgil was whining due to the discomfort he was in.

"Virge, I don't know how to help you." he said, sitting on the edge of the bed, blinking back tears.

Roman held Virgil's hand and brushed his thumb over the vampire's knuckles.

*Time Skip*

It was now half past five and Roman had completely given up on holding back his tears. He heard a door open and ran out to the source.

"Mot- father?!" he exclaimed.

He was surprised to say the least.

"I need your help, please."

His father could see the tear stains on Roman's cheeks.

"If it's that vampire freak you need help with, count me out."

Roman dropped to his knees and sobbed into his hands. His father sighed and knelt down in front of him.

"Son, you know what he is. If we help him, what's to stop him from hurting somebody? Where do you suppose we'll get the blood from? He can't live without that."

" I-I know th-the r-risks, but I c-can't lose him."

Roman's father sighed again.

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