Doubting That He Belongs

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The pair had been laying together in Roman's bed for a while, before a question popped into Virgil's head.

"How are we gonna break this to your parents?" he asked, gesturing to the two of them.

"I don't know, but it'll be fine. They can't change the way I feel and nothing they say or do will come between us. I promise..."

Roman ran his fingers through Virgil's hair and kissed the top of his head.

"Okay, but if me leaving is what it takes to keep your family intact, I'll gladly do it. I don't want you to suffer because of me."

Roman sighed but smiled. He admired how caring Virgil could be and what he was willing to do for him. He sat them both up and cupped the young vampire's face in his hands.

"This is your home now. That will never change."

Virgil smiled softly. He glanced down at Roman's lips, before looking back up, into his eyes.

The young Prince nodded, signalling to Virgil that it was okay. They both leaned in and met halfway, connecting their lips. The two of them melted into the kiss, Roman wrapping his arms around Virgil's waist, and Virgil with his around Roman's neck.

Virgil heard Roman's mother outside the room, about to walk in. He pulled away and ran over to the window seat. He sat down, leaving Roman with a confused look on his face.

"Your mother..." Virgil whispered as the door opened.

"Oh, Virgil!" she exclaimed.

"You're okay, but how?"

He looked to Roman for help.

"Umm... well, the known cure was quite difficult to find, so, umm, we found a different way."

His mother nodded, smiling softly. She knew that her son was lying, she'd seen him do it often enough. However, his mother graciously accepted the lie, so as not to embarrass her son.

"Okay, I'll leave you boys to it. Call me if you need anything." she remarked.

As the woman turned to leave, she winked at Virgil, making him blush. Then she was gone.

"Virge, you okay?" Roman questioned, noticing the light pink that had spread onto Virgil's cheeks.

"Yeah..." he mumbled, taking up his previous position on the bed, beside Roman.

"I think she knows about us, Ro. About what happened."

"Virgil, she knows everything. Do you think, maybe we should go and talk to my parents now? The sooner they know, the sooner we can stop sneaking around."

Virgil nodded hesitantly.

"Don't be nervous, I'll make sure nothing bad happens."

Roman took Virgil's shaky hands and led him downstairs to see his parents, who were watching TV together on the couch. He dropped Virgil's hand and walked in with the vampire trailing behind him.

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