Meeting His Mother

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Upon hearing his voice, Virgil's mother got up out of her chair and hugged him as though her life depended on it.

"I thought you were dead, that another of my sons had been taken from me..."

"I'm fine, mother, I guess true love really does work as a cure."

He giggled softly until his mother pulled away from the hug and he saw the look on her face.

"True love? Let me guess, the Prince boy?"

Virgil nodded and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Well, now that you're okay, you can get rid of him."

"Mother, you can't be serious. I love him, and you owe him for saving my life!"

His mother scoffed.

"I would be dead right no-"

He was cut off.

"-That's not what matters now. Why did you come here?"

"I want a relationship with you, mother. We were close before, and I want that again."

Hearing those words made his mother smile.

"I want that too, son..."

"But it can't happen! It can't happen, because you won't accept the fact that I love Roman. You have to accept that before we can even think of having a normal, mother-son, relationship."

She nodded in understanding.

"Bring him here tomorrow. If I get to know him a little, then maybe I can learn to like him. To accept him."

"How do I know this isn't a trap?" he asked sceptically.

"It's not. I promise you, Virgil."

He reluctantly nodded.

"On one condition."

"What is it?"

"You dismiss everybody for the day. If they're here when Roman is, they won't be able to control themselves. I can't risk him getting hurt."

"And your brother?"

"I trust Patton."

"Very well. I shall see you tomorrow, Virgil..."

She sat back down in her chair, as Virgil left the room.

*Time Skip*

Virgil entered Roman's bedroom the same way he'd left. He climbed into bed beside the sleeping boy, and brushed the young Prince's hair out of his face. 

Roman's eyes fluttered open and he smiled softly.

"When did you get back?" he asked tiredly.

"Not long ago, a few minutes maybe..."

Roman nodded and cuddled closer to Virgil, nuzzling him.

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