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Bella's POV

After myself and family and friends meet up around my house I went inside to my room it still look the same but my mother got me a bigger bed and good to be home after for long .years of boarding school forget those years dating a jerk which I wish I didn't talk to always come back for some reason I'm feeling more and more like I just want to be more of a Jacob but I don't get it

Sue : ( walks into Bella room ) are you okay sweetie

Bella : I'm find mom it just alot to take I mean dad die and me and Trevor broke up because he cheated on me and now so. It good to be home and everything it so weird that I used to be really clumsy and everything and then when I went away to school I got more sports-oriented LOL but it's good to be back like I said I still want to take in though I mean to be so weird not seeing dad anymore hearing his voice .even when I was away at boarding school we would FaceTime and stuff like that you know it's just you're not being able to hear his voice or see him anymore we always so close like I said

Sue : yes you where and you where always a daddy gril both you and your sister and he and brother was close and everything

Bella : ya it just so werid now I use to be able to talk to Dad about anything and everything.

Sue : well yes you could and it the same with me and you where just that close as well and you did the right thing by breaking up with Trevor you don't need to have a boyfriend that's going to be doing that s***

Bella : ( laughs ) momyou were always blunt when you didn't like people and everything and you did tell me you found that he was a bit off and now I understand why anyway I'm glad though that I'm back here with somebody true friends I still have a few true friends from school but you know what I mean

Sue : ya I do so put your things away and come down for dinner just so you know the boys are all going to be here the ones that Jacob and then I'll hang around with you when you were growing up and they have grown quite a bit like you said just so you know they quite a lot too more than they used to LOL

Bella : well like you keep saying mom they are growing boys for some reason though I have a feeling my appetites getting a little bit bigger and stuff as well anyway be cool to hang out with them as usual make some fun on those from the guys with the nicknames I used to say his kids

It nice to be home but I don't know what my mom means about the boys eating more and stuff and is where how. Much bigger and hotter there getting lol and where that my kid brother is growing up so fast. Well I thinkI better change out of this school uniform and everything in  something a little more comfortable


Seth's POV

It good to have Bella back and everything because I missed my sister me and her have always. Been close and everything like that it a good thing .but it not going to be. The same without dad and everything anymore

It looks like it going to be raining soon but that just .what the weather like around her in this place and everything but. I bet my sister is missing the heat of the sun back in la where she was going to school

I noticed that sine Bella came home Jacob can't take is eyes off her and everything and. I believe that he. Would be a lot better for my sister then that dickhead of ex boyfriend of hers. She needs someone that going to want her for the. Right reason both of my sisters do

I want them both happy I mean I may be the youngest but I'll still the very protective types of my family

Why was thinking about all this Bella comes up to me hugs

Bella ( hugs Seth ) : hay little brother what's on your mind

Seth : you know me too well just thinking it good to have you home and that I wish dad was still here and I want to kill your ex boyfriend for cheating on you

Bella : get in line for that one little brother. I mean Leah and Jacob told me they want that to and the guys said here to and it nice that I have people to get my back (starts to feel really warm burning at more than she wasn't born everything like that and she doesn't understand why)

Seth : are you oaky?

Bella : I don't know why but I feel like I'm burning up and everything is that after I think I'm going to lie down cuz I really don't understand why I'm feeling this way and I mean I'm feeling way warm

Seth :( thinking yep we're going to have to keep a close eye on her tonight because I have a feeling that she might be joining the pack so Jacob was right when he said she was going showing the signs of her coming one of the pack) ya sis I think you should lay down

When she went to lay down I knew that I need to find Jacob and tell him that Bella is getting close to coming a wolf because she starting to really show the sings .talk about finding everything  it a nut shell this alot for her come home to

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