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Jacob POV

I woke in the morning rembering everything that me and Bella had done last night and it was perfect because she set it when I put it💍on it last night and then we came back here and i show. Her how much that I love her and everything like  that right now and it's a good thing if you are asking me because with everything that's been going on my baby needs to know how much I love her and things I mean she the first place because you lost your father when he died of a heart attack but it's good to know that we are able to be there for her when she needs it to just as much as her family needs all of us there so I can tell but this is a lot this taking on her she was closest one out of the girls to her dad

I can't stop watching my beautiful fiance as she sleeps Bella Clearwater my everything to I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to her right now I'm just laying in bed looking at how beautiful she is I just want to hold her and everything like that who would have thought that one day that I would be in love with my true soulmate it was always my best friend and that's not going to change cuz she's my everything like I said right now we need to figure out exactly what's going on her mind lately I hope she's ready to talk to me cuz she seemed a little off before we went on our date and stuff so I need to figure out who my baby is definitely okay

Bella ; okay I can tell that you're looking at me and everything right now so that's why I just woke up I guess you could say yes or something bothering me so I think maybe I should tell you that the ex boyfriend has been trying to contact me and everything again he's driving me crazy I cannot get away from Trent I don't know what to do for some reason I have a feeling that you might not be human for some reason I sense that he's definitely off his rocker I don't know what he's going to be doing there that we might even have other people looking out see if they could try something I'm scared baby

Jacob : you have nothing for me that he's not going to be getting on with 10 feet of you no matter what we are going to have the whole package for the key is not coming near you whatever you want to make sure you're safe in my finger on saying everything on your mind mean that you are just as much a big part of the pack as I am and everything like that and we are going to do whatever needs to be done so we'll get ahead of it will make sure of it

Bella:( kiss Jacob ) I love you baby and I'm proud that I'm soon  going to be able to be your wife and everything like that and that's great I just want to make sure that we will be happy to deal with it is s*** that comes early I'm thinking right now though it looks like I got to get ready to go to work at the diner and stuff are you sure you're going to be okay and everything work at your auto body shop and stuff seems like you and Sam have a lot building up at that place that you're working at and everything that's hopefully everything is going to be okay I'll see you after work and we been thinking about hiring a counselor people at the diner and everything like that I'm just wondering if it should be okay and stuff because business has been really picking up

everything that you just told me I knew had to keep that in mind but we got ready to go and do what we need to do when I came to our jobs and stuff like that for both finish school and everything now I want to know body shop around Along With Sam she has her which is being with your mother's but you know what I mean her and her sister up and running and stuff since your mother has not been doing much work still feeling like she needs time and everything the business keeps picking up and that's a good thing that she was thinking about hiring a couple people on and everything like that and she was talking to a couple of our old friends Angela and Jessica who she might just be as a member if they want to work there and stuff like that but should be good I know one thing for sure she's definitely trying to figure out exactly who was our true friends and everything when she was around here it's good to know that we can count on people and stuff but right now I have a feeling that I'm going to make sure it's rent is not aware of anywhere cuz if he is I'm definitely going to have to get to the bottom of bed and I want to keep my soon-to-be wife safe


Bella POV

Watch do the diner the first thing my sister and my mother did was they both came over to see if I accept it but Jacob asked me last night they were both in on it because he has two permission and stuff and where you asked me about putting a ring on it I'm so Overjoyed to the fact that he went to all that trouble and everything and I'm grateful and I told him that I said yes to him which is good they're so happy that they know I'm going to be safe and everything for some reason that you know that the fact that I told me everything about you ain't want me safe as well I don't want to have to figure out exactly what the crazy ex-boyfriend of mine is going to do next

Leah : first of all we're really happy that you said yesterday everything to Jacob and stuff like that over right now and I really want to say is we're going to have to figure out how we're going to be helping keep you safe and stuff in your crazy ex no one thing he ever crosses my path he's going to be getting Kung in the next week

Bella : same overprotective older sister is always but now I understand why you were that mean when you came to to get X definitely we need to figure out what the dick heads next to me was going to be and stuff like that so we'll be one step ahead of it all and everything like that

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