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Jacob's POV

I knew taht we were going to be needing to have a pack meeting soon because we need find out what The nomads and everything is going on I just hope that we can be getting to the bottom of everything  Right now so we can see if there trying something and it's a good thing that Carlisle in the rest of his family are going to be helping us figure things out as well I need to be a step ahead because of the fact that we know what's going on you're going to stick it out and if they can't find out everything they said they would check with the Aro Volturi and see what they could do for us which is a good thing maybe he would be able to help us figure out some things as well and I have a feeling that's what my beautiful woman has been getting followed more and more

Jacob : really need to figure out what's going on with the nomad problem that we're having and stuff like that because they're trying to give me an over their head and doing things that they shouldn't be doing need to know about these crazy vampires are going to do I think we need to double-check things and I think we need to put more out there on double patrols and everything like that and maybe we can figure out exactly if we can find some things to get help for sure and I think that we should figure out exactly where they're going to come from cuz I have a feeling that they might have someone that's over them but I'm not too sure about that cuz it seems like some of them could be new ones as well you really need to figure this out

Bella : you are right about that and everything baby but you going to have to be kind of careful if we're going to be doubling up people and everything on patrols and stuff like that cuz I don't think we should go in with our heads all scattered and everything like that I really think it would mean to have to be able to understand what the next move is going to be

Jacob : she's right about that and everything so I really think what we need to do is figure out for sure I think I'm going you seeing you to see what you can find out I watching closely and everything in the woods there Paul I want you to come back and tell me what you find out and everything by the way we have some good news we just found out the Jared's going to be a lot better so dr. Cullen is keeping a close eye on him and everything will let you know for sure that bad of a bite to be got so they're able to get them in the mail before it was too late but we really need to speaker out what can happen next

That meeting was over and everything like that so that we all went back to do our own things and everything like that I mean though I were talking with my mother and the rest of our families are getting our own place and tell you that you both families agree with that because we are the  Aplha of the pack and stuff like that so yeah it's probably be better for y'all to be able to be there and do more meetings and stuff more efficient we're still going to be very close to her family's houses because we're going to get a house the same with distance and both of them tell me how I've been looking the last few days before placing we already found one so it's only a couple hours later we're going to be start moving our things and everything into it and is also close to the diner and stuff when she's working there to help her mother and things so yeah it's all going to work out and everything and I think she feels more better that she's home on the reservation now then when she was away at boarding school but for some reason she still feels like there's something from her past the school that's going to be bothering her and she still trying to figure out how she's going to be doing things with  her powers and everything

Bella : maybe now that we have our own place and everything that's great you just have to be doing more stuff and everything together now you may have graduation to kiss anymore and everything with each other but I really want to start to get to the point where we can go farther you know because we are actually meant to be and everything and put it on each other and stuff like that I can't see myself with anyone else in that so you should know that if you're ever in the mood to go in and take it further I'll be ready

When my baby said that I knew that I want to be getting ready and take it to the next level with her and since we decided they were going to be moving in together I talked to her mother and everything about asking Bella to marry me and she was happy because if me and Bella are meet to be because we have imprint is on each other I was only right for us to be living together and this just well for me and her so I wanted to get her mother's permission and I'm glad that she agreed so yeah if my baby is ready to go all the way so am I but I think I'm going to do for romantic dinner of the day because today was days I plan on putting a ring on it and maybe when we get back I can set it up with that me and her can go farther if she wants because Bella has become my everything and she knows we've always been best friends and everything like that but now I'm more it's nothing like being in love with your best friend she's moving and I'm going to look after her and everything I am going to be taking care of her no matter what was so yeah right now I feel good in a bit nervous about wanting to take her out I wonder if she'll be okay I'm going to bring it up then maybe we should go to celebrate the fact that we're moving in together I also want to be able to ask her the right way and she is willing to marry me I hope she's going to love it because I have to bring in everything I had to help Alice Cullen picking it out she has an eye for jewelry they are like very good friends the pack and everything like that in the episode the best they can cuz we understand that they don't believe in causing trouble they only help people don't change you if you're dying to try to save your life or they'll try to take you in if you were turned into a newborn vampire tell you the right way in everything so yeah but they will not be there for the ones that try to cause trouble and expose them and everything they try to stop that I'm just good that they will let the valtteri know if anything goes wrong it's good to know we have people that we can count on

Jacob : maybe I'm glad that you said that but I don't want to rush you or anything but I was thinking that if we are going to take things further that mean we should have a special night I mean we are moving in together after all today so why don't we take you out tonight for a special dinner and everything so that we could celebrate the fact that we're taking it further but taking them if stop doesn't mean together what do you think baby

Bella : I agree with you on that baby and be absolutely perfect and everything you know I'm glad that we figured everything out and I came home to find out the truth about the wolves and find out that I am destined to be able to you and everything that I'm one myself but it's kind of sad everything that happened to my father and then I mean having him gone reason why I came home because he took that heart attack and everything but I'm glad that Mom has Chief swan her side and everything now on the one thing. I'm grateful for everything and I'm glad yeah let's go out and celebrate baby I love you so much Jacob Black

Jacob : I love you so much too. Bella Clearwater and you are my everything and there's no way I'm going to let you go

But I knew we had to get ready for everything to party and stuff tonight I'm a little nervous and everything but I hope she'll be okay with the fact that I want to put a ring on it think I myself wish me luck

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