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Bella POV

I woke up to a note form Jacob saying that he gone on patrol and that he had sue aka mom call Carlisle to come and check on me this is going to be a goodthing because I can't seem to be keeping these things down and everything right now and it's not Good thing so it's a good thing that Dr Carlisle Cullen is coming to check in on me right now

Sue ; morning baby gril how are you feeling

BELLA : you can trust me I feel a bit tired and I'm not sure if I can keep much damn and everything but hopefully everything was going to be okay and stuff like that and I'll tell you my stomach hurts a lot

Carlisle : hay Bella you are pregnant  with Jacob  baby but I'm havig  a feeling from the test taht I'm doing and showing that you're having more than one for sure and they're saying that your ex might be around somewhere so you better be careful you don't want him to come and go see more problems so I think right now that you should make sure you have more people looking out for you basically we should have a couple of wolves that were from the house to keep saying at watch when nobody's around and you're not to have no stress at all you're definitely to be on bed rest and I mean bed rest not to move for at least a couple of weeks or more and I'll come and check on you and see when you can and right now I'm not allowed to have no stress and I mean it

Sue: I am definitely going to make sure that my daughter takes the rest of everything that she's supposed to do and I am going to see you then nothing major happens around here and everything if you want us to make sure there's what's making sure that she's going to be safe and everything we will do that doctor I know one thing right now when Jake comes back I'm going to tell him everything's because right now he needs to know exactly how much Bella is in pain what's a good theme of there together and everything like they're supposed to because I could trust him with her and stuff I never really did trust her ex that she told me that before we are born in school and everything and I'm glad that she's home where she needs to be is going to be a lot honour and stuff. That's what she has to do when everything especially when she has abilities and stuff as well when it comes to being part of the tribe

Carlisle :that's a good thing and Every thing that your going to do that well let me know if you have pain or  anything

Bella : will do

With taht Carlisle left and it's nice to  know that I have peoplearound taht I can count I soon went to sleep let's hope that i can get thought this pregnancy without so much trouble I hope that everything is going to be safe for the ones I was out on patrol and everything right now cuz I have a bad feeling that someone might be watching


Jacob POV

I was on patrol  and it a good thing that Bella back at the house because I have a bad feeling that her ex or something  else is going to be causing trouble around here

Jacob;  ok I believe him think that right now we should probably double up on what's going on around here when it comes to patrolling and everything because I have a bad feeling that someone is going to be coming around this shouldn't be but I'm going to head back to the house and check on the Bella I want to find out for sure everything is going on if she's pregnant

Seth : good idea cuz I don't want nothing happening to her and everything like that and if her crazy ex is around and stuff like that I'm going to go freaking out on his ass because nobody f**** with my sister

And help a crack up laughing about that when I thought about it because of the fact that he's younger than her and will do everything to protect her and that is so sweet I know one thing for sure I can understand why people says not to piss him off because he has a bit of a hothead I could tell you one thing right now I mean to make sure that everyone in my pack is going to be able to help out when it comes to making sure there's no major issues around here in the tribe

Leah:Jacob head back home to my sister keep everything under control on that around here right now and be more look at the patrol and that more and things like that cuz really I need to figure out exactly if my sister is going to be okay with her

What is everything was said I had it on home which was a good idea cuz I tell you the truth I wanted to make sure that I waved to was going to be okay well that's what I consider her and everything she's my mates I'm going to make sure that you say I know one thing right now I need to do a double checking your stuff cuz if she's pregnant when she is what I found out she's going to be doing exactly what the doctor told her to do no one is going to cause problems if I can do anything about that I'm going to make sure that keep her safe that's one of my major priorities right now

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 26, 2020 ⏰

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