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Leah's POV

When I saw that my sister was a White wolf with a touch of grey and red in her fur I knew that I had to talk to her and everything will form so she could understand I even heard her curse I had to laugh

Leah : (in her wolf form thinking to her sister yes the legends are true and we can hear each other's thoughts when wearing this form and by the looks of it this you just join the pack like the rest of us welcome to it by the way Jake will be here any minute cuz he is the alpha)

Bella ( wow so the legends and everything are true and I'm a wolf and I just joined the Pack Man my life is definitelychanged a lot I mean I've come home to find out that my father has passed away now I'm starting to find out that everything they were told they were stories are actually true I'm guessing a way I'm glad that I broke up with that ex-boyfriend of mine because the only thing is of Trevor and knew what this was like he would think I was a freak it's a good thing that I'm home and all this happened man I definitely been out of the loop)

Jacob ( comes out of the 🌲 ) ( thinking yeah you're definitely out of the loop all right and by the way you look really beautiful in this form for some reason I can't help the fact that I'm getting pool to you more and more) ( stops and staring at Bella like she the only thing holding him her )

Bella :( looking at Jacob the same way ) ( thinking why am I looking at you Jacob like you are the only thing holding me to this world )

Jacob:( because we just imprinted on each other which means we're destined to be together and everything like that I'm the alpha as a pack which makes this you my Luna if you accept to be my meat that is and I have loved you since we were children)

Bella : ( damn took you long enough to tell me and everything like that cuz I had a crush on you too and everything we were kids so far destined to be together than that's exactly what we're going to do accept to be your luan )

I smile for my sister and for Jacob and I always thought they where meet to be together

Leah:( I'm going to change back and leave and let you guys be just the two of you the way you're supposed to be in everything I'll see you guys later at the pack meeting)

With that I left and I still can't believe that my sister is the luan


Jacob's POV there back to human

She said yes and now where together the one I want since we where little and everything  Bella is beautiful and I'm not about to lose and everything she mind and hers the why .that it should always have been and that's a good thing and it makes me happy the imprinting is only going to make us stronger

Bella : what are you thinking about baby

Jacob: I'm just thinking that I'm happy that I finally got you baby and I'm going to be there for you thought it all I'm going teach you everything that you need to know and show know that we are going to age as long we keep becoming are Wovles and stuff

Bella : wow it a good thing that I came home and everything for school when I did because I don't think that my friends there and everything would be able to deal with that.

Jacob: well it a good thing work out this way and everything it was faith for us to be together and I love you and everything you do know that as the luan of the pack you are the female alpha

Bella : wow that's a lot of us to be dealing with I mean I go away and come home find out that a lot as. Happened I mean I lost my father and now this but I know that la push where I was meet to be

Jacob: yes it is and I'm glad that you are home beautiful I love you so much and I'm going to be taking care of you and I'll never do you dirty like your ex boyfriend did because we are meant to be beautiful

Bella : kiss Jacob) I love you too baby let's head back and tell everyone else that I'm join the pack and I'm your luan

Jacob: yes and you do know that it only been a day or two since you been home but I am going to help with everything I'll be there for at father funeral and everything I'll do everything that it takes to make you happy baby I'm going to be by your side through it all like I said this is more than just a crush it real love

Bella: I know baby

With that I took her hand and we head. Back to see the rest of the pack and everything it is werid that she had. To come home to everything like this but will be her for and show her everything that she need to know she my life and now that we are together it where we belong


Bella's POV

When me and Jacob where heading back to my house I couldn't help but think.that maybe her at home is where I was always mean to be and everything . I always have felt the safe in Jacobs arms and that's a good thing when we walked into the house I saw that chief swan  come down to see how were doing he was. Always one of my dad's best friends

Charlie : wow Bella you have grow up alot

Bella : and your still the same always old timer,( I joked because me and Charlie always hand family time bode he was almost like a second dad to me when I couldn't go to parents about something because where not around or something he was always there )

Charlie : hay I'm not that old

We laughed and everything and saw the why he was looking at mother. I wordering if something will come of the 2 of them . Jacob came behind me took my hand ya I really need to her now in this time and place and this the best thing now

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