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Bella POV

When I got back home to check on my mother I saw that she fell asleep he's been there for her ever since what happened to Dad and I'm grateful for it which is good to know that people are here we need them okay before I head upstairs to my room I thought that I was feeling a little off and everything that's me trying to get used to my abilities and stuff still need to figure out exactly where there's Nomads what weather up to for sure for some reason I can't get comfortable Jacob is coming into my room

Jacob : I think you're going to need to get some rest and everything like that you're kind of crazy and everything else going on in the head female right now you need to get some rest you got a lot going on I mean you just got him back not too long ago from being away at boarding school. Can you find out that your father was gone and everything so yeah we're going to be here for you through it all and I love you

Bella : love you too and I'm glad I was able to come home and fall in love with you and everything we find out the truth that I'm going to pack and stuff as well you know that everything is going on which is good I just wish there was some way we need to protect some push and forks make sure there no Innocence Lost these people are just trying to live their lives normally we don't need to worry about that right now ring how he's going to do we need to learn more about my Powers would that I fell asleep in my boyfriend's arms knowing this was where I need to be right now just hope there's nothing going on this should not be going on for some isn't that bad feeling that something's going to happen somewhere and that's not a good thing


Jacob's POV

Woke up in the middle of night to some of the path howling I went to check it out to see what it was for some reason I knew I had to make sure there was nothing going on so crazy but as I was out I noticed there was a bunch of no man's coming nowhere and it looks like there was something going on I can tell but it looks like one of my pack members was injured I rushed over and saw that Jarrett  was definitely injured that looked like you were going to have to figure out what was going on for sure

It seems like there's way too much going on I mean it wasn't too long ago that we buried Harry then we have to deal with this going on in the Jared is injured is not good I need to make sure there's no man watch out what they're doing and everything like that I think I'm going to have to check into this a bit more but I don't want to leave Bella right now because for some reason I know there's someone still watching us and we need to pick out exactly what's going on for sure I need to make sure that she's going to be absolutely okay

She needs me alone everything right now I mean we've only been together a bit so we haven't really been intimate or anything but if she ever wants that soon I'm willing to how much I love her and how much one tries to f*** with her they've got another thing coming so he needs to know that I'm going to get ready to help her no matter what right now I need to figure out exactly why she's being but I can sense us and everything so I'm going to do what needs to be done I'm going to make sure nobody tries to cause any problems where I'm going to my other favorite exactly who this mystery person has a small in her she don't need to deal with that s*** and she definitely doesn't need to deal with her ex that's been sending her crazy things on that trying to get her back she's been through too much as it is right now I know one thing for sure I'm going to make sure I take care of everyone in my baby's legs and she needs me I've been doing this was thinking maybe I should have her own place and stuff like that but I think I'm going to talk to her mother and see what she thinks about that idea cuz we're really going to have to be able to be there soon and be there for my father was in a wheelchair and stuff as well and we still need to have a little bit of space maybe we need to just figure out exactly what to do I'm taking on more and more as they Alpha the pack so I'm going to definitely make sure everything is going to be okay

It's a good thing that the Cullens are  things on their end for us and stuff like that which is a good thing it's a good thing that really gets to the point now that he understands everything about the Supernatural and stuff which is good you know if he's going to be there too because we could tell by the way that they've been getting clothes and everything right now which is a good thing you need to make sure that we're step ahead of cuz we don't need any b******* coming our way I know one thing right now need to be prepared for anything that can happen

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