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Jacob POV

It's a good thing that after me and my beautiful wife to be in our time in the shower and everything I took her to lie down for a while cuz I knew she was so stressed and everything if there's a possibility that me and her are going to be having kid I would like to know for sure I have a feeling they'll be better if we have dr. Carlisle Cullen to come down and check her out to be on the safe side does we can trust him and everything were both part of the supernatural world and everything and this way we know if something's going on for sure

Which of the kitchen I was talking to the girls and everything in the agreed that maybe we should have him over to be on the safe side and stuff like that because we want to be able to know if she was going to be okay after all Bella Is my Luna  and we have to make sure that she is going to be okay so everything which make her the female front of the pack because she's with me and everything like that we're going to make sure they behave everybody where they need to be in keep them safe and stuff we're going to do the best we can she may have been way back for a little bit but she has learned quite a bit in the short time she's been here quite nice and I know she's going to be able to deal with everything that she has is one thing I always knew about my baby she was always strong takes everything that comes at her head on

When myself and the girls were in the kitchen talking I can tell that there was something going on for sure it was a good thing that I had Sue there and Leah and Emily there to help me out because to know the truth when it comes to trying to be there for everybody it's kind of hard sometimes it's good to have a little ice and everything I know one thing for sure though how to make sure the Bella is going to be okay and everything after what she told me about her ex Trent all in her and sending her messages this is not good I want to make sure that I'm able to get away and that's with her so we can deal with him and everything in the proper way we don't need to have him coming back causing issues but is he human or is there more to him because she's been saying she's going to find this quite a lot of stuff off about him lately you really need to be a step ahead

That's on my mind I thought it was better for me to go and check on Bella if she was still asleep and stuff like that but I wanted to make sure that everything was going to be okay told the girls and I was getting ready to go on patrol and I was not the only one, I told her who else was going to be patrol on the because they like to know we were chatting with him over with so we can keep track of everything that's been going on

Jacob : cake myself and you Leah and Paul and Embry all be on patrol tonight first shift the next shift will be Jarrett Seth and Sam because I need to make sure that everybody is going to be okay around here and stuff like that also Bella said that her ex-boyfriend's been around and everything like that for some reason I have a feeling though we're not sure if he's the man we human or if he could be more for some reason I'm watch he's been saying he's been off and everything back when they were in boarding school I really need to make sure that he's not what we think he is and everything like that so it's a good thing we're going to check it on that I also think that Bella might be pregnant so we're going to make sure she takes it easy and everything until we know for sure dr. Carlisle coming down later and check on her

Seth : if she's pregnant her f****** ex and better stay away from her I'm going to see that he pays for everything they put her through everything back when she was in boarding school by cheating on her and everything in the bed turns out that he's more than a human that has some crazy Nomad or something like that I'm going to definitely be teaching him a lesson for f****** with my sister oh yeah I may be the youngest but who says that I can't want to have revenge or try to protect family and I love but I'm not going to let Revenge get to me but you know what I mean nobody f**** with my family

Leah : note to self make sure that people don't try to screw up with me and Bella because our little brother will probably kill them LOL

Jacob : I'm taken but I think right now they're the ones that's going to be on the first Patrol should go and take care of that now the one on the second one will get ready when we tell them to we need to make sure that there is absolutely nothing going on around here and everything they should be a member of the doctor's coming by to check on Bella while we're out so where we need to know for sure what's going on and everything you need to be a step ahead just make sure nobody that should not be around her is coming we have to be careful we're still trying to figure out what's going on with those Nomads you need to know for sure there's no way I'm about to let my fiance be put in trouble or anybody around here now see just was going to be hanging out and hiding around the corner shall we

That we left for patrol let's just hope that there is not going to be something tonight that's going to make us feel like we should be on our guard more

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