Untitled Part 4

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NSA said," Kanchenjunga Military Academy, which is situated in Madikeri, Kodagu district, Karnataka. Behind the wall of KMA another life is present. Here common man enters and exits as a soldier. Here, a man's will-power and goals are made stronger. This is possible with different processes and Simon says,' to become success, we need hard work and discipline. Simon, I'm mean Brigadier Chandok.(He's a big beefy giant man having the height of 7 who has hardly any moustache and has a very smug expression on his face, but now he has become angry because one cadet hasn't pierced the target correctly)He's the principal of this academy(On that time, cadets practise their target by piercing the target with the front part of the rifle, one cadet not pierces the target correctly and brigadier sees that and take the rifle and said)to face this man is to face a firing pot will be equal.(Whenever you think enemies as a human, your hands will shake. In war, soldier's reason of shaking is death, during that situation, what the soldier do?"Emotionally. Other cadet answered," He recalls his motto,"emotionally.BC said,"What's our motto?"Other cadet answered," Strength and Honour. BC said," Strength and Honour,"patriotically.Then all cadets pierce the target correctly.)Yes, Strength and Honour, this academy's motto. Now, each cadet has to make history. Now it's the turn of new batch(on that time an ambassador car entered inside, from that Naina gets off and see around her very proudly)I remember that I also came here having some fear and determination like Naina.(Naina gets off the car and sees around her. Then her father steps out and sees her in worried expression. Naina see the campus totally. Then Naina makes her parents convince and warns them to don't contact her not even to the mobile also and says that she'll be giving her information to them only. Then Naina's parents depart to their home and Naina takes her luggage and enters the main building. (KMA has very large grounds and forests. It has 4 complexes 1) Main building where school is conducted. 2) Second building is Staff quarters where staff settles themselves after their classes. 3) Boys hostel. 4) Girls hostel. Nuclear trigger room is there but it is kept as secret.)Firstly, she sees the amar jawan jyothi and salutes it patriotically. Then she enters to it & proceeds to the principal office. There near the principal office a boy is sitting on the bench sees Naina & introduces himself," Am Ali from Kanpur, he gives his hand for shaking. Naina answered," Naina from Mangalore." and both shake. Inside the principal's office, a boy stands having an expression of innocent smile & wore a green T-shirt which said' It's obvious you've me.' BC said," Don't think that, there's a hands of your father in this admission. I've given you admission because you are able & intelligent and we make you courageous. That boy said," Yes sir, I don't want to be called by my father's name. I want to be known by my own name, sir. Yudi, Captain Yudi, Major Yudi, after that Colonel Yudi and one day, Brigadier Yudi, like you sir."

BC said," Keep this determination during the training, which will work there." dismissively. Yudi salutes and said," Aye aye sir." Yudi comes outside and wishes best of luck to Ali and goes. Ali said that he's the 3rdgeneration who's coming to the army. Then Ali is also admitted. Then Naina's turn comes, BC underestimates Naina. Then Naina challenges that she'll become the best cadet pass out. BC is so angry but resists and admits her.

Here yudi's parents try to convince him that this army life is so miserable and says that he'll be roaming in the tank taking a rifle. But they fail in their attempt and they also depart to their home. Mr Sahani said," I've seen so many soldier marching left right left right, but don't worry, I'll talk to that Chandok. From 10 yrs, I supply the goods to this academy," proudly.

Yudi says," You bet, you only applied plaster here," showing the wall, dismissively. Mrs Sahani says," Paint this room and make this room air conditioned. How he supposed to be live here in this heat, there's only one fan and bed is two. They've any presence of mind?"In disgust.

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