Untitled Part 11

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At midnight Colonel Chandra entered Capt.R's room silently. Capt.R was sleeping warmly. Colonel Chandra came near Capt.R's bed then Capt.R took his gun & said," Freeze."And he switched on the light immediately. Then Capt.R saw that it was Colonel Chandra then he took a deep calming breath. Colonel Chandra said impressively," Very impressive Captain, you've very fast reflexes."Capt.R smiled."If you didn't switch on the light then I'd be killed by you."Capt.R said smiling," Sir, is there any reason of coming like this at the mid night? Water?"Capt.R went towards the kitchen. Colonel Chandra said," Thank you. (Taking the glass from Capt.R & gave some photos. Capt.R saw those photos) Anyways our cameras have taken some pictures of Dr.Mishra & a man. She knows that you know that she's the spy."Capt.R asked," Any idea, who he's?"Colonel Chandra said," No but I think Dr.R can become more ferocious to us. She'll steal the trigger by hook or crook & can kill the person who comes between her & her mission."Capt.R said simply," That means we've to transfer the trigger from the academy to the other safer place."Colonel Chandra said worriedly," Which I can't give you the permission, because of the reason the information leakage of the location of the trigger."Capt.R said," Sir, you've to give that or else Dr.Mishra will take the victory."Colonel Chandra said calmly," Let's think about it Captain."Next morning Capt.R asked Brigadier Chandok to give the permission to take the Cadets to point 260 for their first physical drill. BC asked that it is the very difficult mountain for the Cadets but Capt.R convinced him that he's testing them in real war like situations. Then Colonel Chandra gave the permission to Capt.R to transfer the trigger to the safest location. Here Dr.R got wind of that Capt.R transferring the trigger to the safest location & invited Capt.R to have some coffee with her outside the academy so that she can make Capt.R confess that where he's taking the trigger but Capt.R said that he's so tired. Then Dr.R hugged him & put the transmitter in his pocket & went from there. Then Colonel Chandra came & talked about the trigger location & appreciated that the spy is in love with him. Colonel Chandra said bossily," So Captain, did you decide which the location of the trigger to reach is?"Here Dr.R listen their conversation from her head phones. Capt.R said politely," Sir, I'll tell you the location when I reach there."Colonel Chandra said," You don't trust me."Capt.R said politely," You know that I don't trust anyone in this mission. And sir, am transferring the triggers with the help of my six Cadets, Naina Singh, Amardeep Huda, Arjun Sharma, Ali Baig, Yadhuvansh Sahani, and Pooja Ghai."Colonel Chandra said bossily," So you trust these Cadets not me. No one aren't qualified for this mission. Cadet Naina Singh came here to prove her bro's innocence. Cadet Arjun Sharma is a criminal who came here for reformation. Cadet Amardeep Huda didn't come himself, he lost his bet with his mom & came here. Cadet Ali Baig only dreams about to becoming officer but not come forward to become officer & Cadet Yadhuvansh Sahani who came here to prove that he can stand on his feet without his father's help. Cadet Pooja Ghai came here on search of her boy friend."Capt.R said politely," But sir these Cadets have one quality & that is they can't be cheated so easily."Colonel Chandra said nodding,"Ok but success this mission carefully. Best of luck."Capt.R nodded & saluted him. Colonel Chandra went from there smiling impressively because he knew that Naina & Arjun are coming to this mission & he knew that they'll help Capt.R to success this mission.

Here Dr.R said to herself," Captain are you taking the nuclear trigger with those stupid Cadets in the occasion of their physical drill exam. But Dr.R be careful, Naina is coming to this mission. I've to avoid Naina by coming to this mission & the trigger will be on my hands. But I've to know the location so that I plan out & make busy Naina so that she can't reach the location also. But how do I avoid you Naina & how do I know the location of the trigger?"Dr.R thought for a moment & said with a clap," Narco test. Yes, I'll do the Narco test to Captain & I'll know the trigger location."Next Morning Capt.R got the phone that Dr.R is going to test Narco test on him from Colonel Chandra. Capt.R assured him that he's going to take a pill which is an antidote for Narco test to him. Here ACP Pruthviraj Chauhan was getting Capt.R's movements & Dr.R's also from Naina & Arjun. Everyone were getting ready for their exam. Naina & Arjun are readying themselves for the mission of the loyalty & honesty towards their duty. Capt.R was also got ready for his loyalty, honesty & devotion towards our country. Dr.R got ready for her intelligence, cunningness & cheating & other Cadets got ready for their physical exams. Capt.R instructed the Cadets that they'll leave the academy at sharp 600hrs morning & one who becomes late can join him at Chana point. Here Dr.R performs Narco test on Capt.R after showing the orders from the ministry to Capt.R. During Narco test Dr.R try to spit out the location of the trigger from Capt.R's mouth but not becomes success & come to the conclusion that he has taken antidote for that. But Capt.R spit out one truth which makes Dr.R to force Capt.R to come with him to the tomorrow's physical exam. The truth is that Capt.R shot Capt.NSA. Dr.R convinces Capt.R to give permission to come with him for tomorrow's exam. Capt.R felt very bad about himself of spoiling his own plan. Capt.R thought that he'll success his mission without Dr.R but he couldn't do that & had the fear that if Dr.R says the truth to Naina then what'll happen. Capt.R was familiar with Naina's temper. Dr.R was so impressed of herself being lucky on that time also & she also knew Naina's temper. Dr.R appointed a man to keep an eye on Naina. Naina was called to the bureau by ACP Saab & Naina goes to meet him.ACP Saab makes Naina to promise that anything happens that she'll protect Capt.R & nuclear trigger. No matter that if her life changes from tomorrow but she'll not show any carelessness to her duty & also said that she'll protect the trigger & Capt.R giving her life. Unfortunately that night Huda challenged Arjun of drinking the alcohol in 1 minute competition. Naina tried to stop them both but didn't listened to her & get on with that competition & Arjun won. But Arjun was shaking that he couldn't resist the action of alcohol in his stomach & goes to sleep immediately. Naina is so angry on Arjun & went from the boys hostel with bottled anger because he has become ill on the eve of the mission. This matter became a very good opportunity to Dr.R. Dr.R plans how to avoid all the Cadets from her mission & get on with that plan.

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