Untitled Part 6

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Ali and Yudi celebrate their victory. Ali asked," Let's go to cafe & take coffee. Yudi said,"Oh no, am not going to come. This drill has made me weak, my all body parts are paining," painfully. Yudi gave a chocolate to Ali & then he asked," Where's your big bro?"Ali said," I don't know. Is he tells & goes out, big bro,"painfully. Yudi said,"Anyways, he's an intelligent man yaar. You had gone with that Pooja leaving me with King Kong. Did you know how he repaired the water pump forcefully and took the water from bucket?"Ali said," If I'd not gone with Pooja, then the beauty & the beast story would turn into action movie."Arjun entered the room, then Yudi said," I got something for you,2 chocolates for you. Arjun said," This is children's eatables. I don't eat this," directly. Ali said," Eat yaar, to make children happy eat," sarcastically. Yudi said sarcastically," Right, papa love you," giving the chocolates."Is that black coffee, give me some" and he gets up & shouts with pain saying," Guys my leg isn't moving," with shock. Ali said," Please be calm, move your fingers," calmly. Yudi said in shock," If my leg isn't moving, how can my fingers?"Then he moves his fingers and calms himself. Ali said calmly," It's only a cramp because of exhaustion." Arjun said giving his bottle of rum and said," Take this black coffee, you'll be ok,"calmly. Yudi tries to take the bottle but Ali grabs & smells & refuses to give to Yudi & said," I've known that," and giving the bottle to Arjun & said to Yudi,"I'll bring some hot water mixed with salt, you'll be ok,"and went outside. Then Arjun said softly," Drink some and apply it on the leg."Ali said entering once again,"Bhai jaan, don't do that,"warningly.Yudi said,"Yeah, just make it fast bro,"painfully.

Meanwhile Capt.R admits Naina to infirmary. Dr.S is examining her. Capt.R saw Naina in worried expression. Dr.S said," Exhaustion, that's why she fainted and slept. Now she's in deep sleep & remembering her ex-boyfriends. If they didn't refuse her then she would lead a peaceful life with someone."Then she checks the blood pressure and nods dismissively & finishes her words. Capt.R said," Captain, will you never become serious?"Worriedly. Dr.S said," Please, In the case of love, I'll always be serious," calmly. Capt.R said," Captain, please," angrily. Dr.S smiled and said," You become shy very fastly Captain."Capt.R asked," So tell me that I've to transfer her to her room like this," angrily. Dr.S said," Like you carried her in your arms," smiling. Capt.R lifted Naina & carried her in his arms and asked angrily," Do you mind?"Dr.S smiled and said," Go captain & take care. I'm meaning take care of Cadet."Capt.R nodded dismissively and he exited from the infirmary carrying Naina in his arms. Here Yudi & Arjun are in the room. Arjun thinking about Naina & is so worried. But Yudi is making racket," Do something man," painfully. Arjun is irritated with his racket & said angrily," Didn't I tell you, drink this, you'll be ok. Plastic man."Yudi said innocently," What's that plastic man?"Arjun said dismissively,"Yeah you're plastic only, from outside strong but inside nothing. Look at me, am strong from outside and inside also. In fact, this is only medicine for man not for you."Because of provoking of Arjun, Yudi drinks the rum but he cannot resist that and feels drunkard. Meanwhile, in girls hostel, Pooja is arguing with her mom in mobile phone. Someone knocks at the door. Pooja asked," Who's that?"Capt.R answered. Hearing this Pooja opened the door hurriedly hiding her mobile in Naina's dress. Pooja saw Naina in Capt.R's arms and asked," Sir, what happened to Naina?"Standing in the doorway. Capt.R said," Will you please give me the way?"Politely. Pooja said," Yes sir." and gave him the way. Capt.R brought Naina inside the room & transferred her to bed. Pooja asked once again," Sir, what happened to Naina?"Capt.R said," Nothing, she became unconscious because of the exhaustion," politely. Then he sprinkled some water Pooja asked," Sir, did you bring Naina from field to here on your arms, sir?"Politely. Capt.R changed the subject & said," Cadet Ghai, please keep the door open. She wants fresh air," politely. Then he took off Naina's shoes, Pooja said," Sir, whenever I see you, I remember Veer zaara." Capt.R said in amazement," What?"Pooja said innocently," Veer zaara, sir, Shahrukh khan and Preity zinta's film." Capt.R said dismissively," Cadet Ghai, I don't see films."Then he takes off Naina's shoes. Then Pooja said," I've seen that 4 times. 3 times with Rohit and 4th time with mom, when we purchased a mobile, then two tickets came as free, sir," innocently. Capt.R thought that Pooja is eating his head & said," Cadet Ghai, If you don't want to shut your mouth then you can take fresh air outside," dismissively. Pooja said nervously," Yes sir, going sir."And she about to go outside but stopped and said," Sir, shall I say you something?"Capt.R said dismissively," Is anything remaining to tell?"Pooja said innocently," You are very nice."Capt.R saw her in puzzle."You saved Naina. If I'd've the mobile, I'd take picture & saved this moment in my mobile. You know that cameras will be there in the mobiles these days."Capt.R said warningly," Cadet Ghai,"Pooja said," Yes sir, going sir,"nervously.Then she came back once again and said," Excuse me sir."Capt.R said," Now what," angrily. Pooja saw the mobile in the pocket of Naina's dress and said nervously," Nothing sir. I'd forgotten something, I'll take that afterwards." & she went. Capt.R corrects the pillow of the Naina's bed & saw a photo under the pillow. Capt.R saw the studio name and date & thought,"Prakruthi studio? When I was here as Cadet, only Cadets were taken the photos and it has been closed now. Which photo is this that has the connection with KMA to Cadet Singh?" And Capt.R tried to see that photo but on that time Lolita Sen entered and said," Sir ,"politely. Capt.R said pushing the photo underneath the pillow," Yes."Lolita Sen,"How can I help you," politely. Capt.R said," Just you take care of Cadet. If she refuses to eat then also tell her to eat. Or else exhaustion will lead to weakness," bossily & went outside. Meanwhile Capt.R hurried to his room and searched a book called 'TIMELINE,BY MICHAEL CRICHTON'. Then he opened the middle of the page and took a photo and saw the same name and date which was on the photo in Naina's room. Then he thought that something connection between her & photo. Then he saw the photo affectionately because it was the photo of his & Captain Navin Singh Ahluwaliya holding a trophy. There was an innocent smile in Navin's & his face & Capt.R's eyes became wet. Then he wiped his tears and kept the photo in the book.

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