Untitled Part 7

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Here Capt.R, Dr.R & Dr.S are enjoying the party. Dr.S saw both Capt.R & Dr.R that they're seeing attentively & started singing in taunting voice. Capt.R & Dr.R smiled dismissively to her. On that time someone knocked the door. Dr.S said immediately," Congratulate me Captain,"Capt.R saw in puzzled expression."Today to listen my painful voice, someone has come."Dr.R said calmly,"Shalini, don't be so hopeful. Someone has come so that you stop singing."Dr.S said immediately," How mean?"Capt.R said eagerly," Shall I solve this mystery?"Dr.R said,"Please,"calmly. Capt.R opened the door & went outside & saw that it is Suriji. Suriji said worriedly," Captain, situation is so tensed. Now Cadet Naina is not seen, cadets haven't come. Now, Dr.Singhal has also become invisible. Is it not that Dr.Singhal has run away? Capt.R said,"Suriji,"warningly. Suriji said casually," Am just joking."Suriji heard that someone singing from Capt.R's room & Capt.R answered Suriji's enquired look," I've some guests. I'll send them & I'll come. Suriji said," I've fear that outside, Cadets are fighting with civilians. Now am so worried, if it goes on like this, If someone informs to BC then with Cadets we both will be going left right left outside the academy," worriedly. Capt.R also feels tensed & said,"Suriji, don't worry, you keep on watch. I'll send the guests & meet you."Capt.R sent Dr.R & Dr.S saying that Senior Cadets have gone outside the academy & has to see to them. Capt.R came back to his bedroom closing the main door & said," Am sorry Cadet Singh, you've not said that where your batch mates are & Subhedhar Suri is worried. You've to say that now, where's your batch mates are & you & your batch mates going to kicked out of this academy," seriously. Naina said stubbornly," I've decided sir, am going to say." Capt.R said eagerly," You are going to say, very good. So tell me, where are they?"Naina said seriously," I'll go & tell you outside, sir. Subhedhar Suri also hears."Capt.R said calmly,"Ok, let's go," He went outside the bed room & outside his quarters also."Hurry, Suri Saab went this side," But Naina came outside & ran outside the staff quarters. Capt.R saw her running & followed her. Naina ran away near deserters bell. Capt.R followed her & said panting," Cadet Singh, what you are doing here?"Naina said," Am going to leave this academy, sir. Am going to ring the deserters bell," stubbornly. Capt.R said angrily," Do you know the result of this; you're going to kicked out of this academy with dishonour & shame?"Naina said stubbornly," I've no fear sir. But I cannot become a traitor in front of my friends. I've no traitor's blood in my veins sir," And Naina held the bell & about to ring, but Capt.R saw her in shock & said," Stop Cadet Singh stop. This is an order," angrily. Naina said stubbornly," No sir. I'll not take this as an order, sir, because you think that what I say are all lies only. That's why am leaving the academy. To make you right, I don't want to make my principles as wrong, sir."Capt.R said angrily," And you are not going to say about your friends."Capt.R became calm & said,"Ok, I made a mistake, am sorry. But for that why you are punishing yourself? Why you're ringing the bell? You'd come here to become a soldier, then become a soldier."Naina said stubbornly," Sir, for this mistake punishment will also be given Na, sir" Capt.R said calmly," Cadet Singh, for a mistake, punishment will be there likewise for a mistake, repentance also there & am ready to repent. Just trust me, your friends will reach their room safely," But Naina didn't leave the bell .Capt.R said calmly," Do you not trust me?"Naina said stubbornly seeing his eyes," Do you've the trust on me, sir?"Capt.R saw her eyes & thought that someone who's so near to him seeing him. Capt.R cannot answer this question.

Here Arjun fought the panja with Cheeka & won. But Cheeka stood to fight with them removing his weapons with his friends. On that time Capt.R came & fought with Cheeka & his accomplices & meantime Inspector Kiran came to dhaba & arrested the Cheeka & his accomplices & took him to his custody. Capt.R took his Cadets & reached academy. They entered into the academy from where they exited the academy. Suriji scolded him & Capt.R said to Suriji to forgive them & Suriji forgave them & sent to their hostel. But Huda isn't happy & accused Naina that she has played double game with us so that she can get good impression to get better marks in her test. Capt.R heard his conversation with Yudi & is so angry & charged him & dragged him to Naina & said angrily," You were talking about her right. Listen Cadet Huda, today you're here safely in this academy that because of Cadet Singh. You know Cadet Singh was about to ring the deserters bell but she didn't tell anything about your whereabouts. Previously, in 10 days, she had a punishment because she left her partner. But seeing you, I can say that neither you are going to able to become partner to her nor to anyone else also."And went from there angrily. Naina saw him silently & Huda cannot see her face & he bowed his head with shame. Naina left him leaving Huda repenting that he accused Naina without any mistake. Arjun saw this & thought about her very much & his respect towards Naina became double. Yudi asked Huda what's the matter & Huda explained about the previous incident & everyone came to Naina & said thanks & went to their hostels. Arjun noticed that she's not happy. Naina lied down on the bed but sleep didn't come, she started thinking about Capt.R & slept gradually. There Capt.R also thinking about Naina, he remembered that Naina holding the deserters bell & saying I've no traitor's blood sir. Then he remembered her eyes which has innocence, & he thought that someone nearest is seeing him. Then he also slept gradually.

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