Chapter 1

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"What is up YouTube, it's Y/N"




"And Dan" My fellow group members and I say to the Camera. Sometimes I find it weird standing talking to a camera but it's what we do.

"And as a lot of you may already know we have been invited to perform in LA at an event known as Hyde Fest this Saturday" I started.

"Oh kinda like Hyde Park" Dan interrupted.

"Yeah yeah, anyway we made this video to let you know that there are still tickets left" Millie said.

"All the information will be in the description and we really want to meet you guys so please come" Claire said.

"Also we will be doing another show in LA so if you live there we will give out the details pretty soon" Max said.

"THANKS GUYS" we all said.

"We love you!! Peace out" I said. We all checked the video before posting it online.

"I'm so excited" I jumped.

"Me to" They all replied.

"Freaking Fifth Harmony are going to be there" I said flopping down on the sofa. After having been friends since forever and having started the band out three years ago we all moved in together. Max and I are the youngest. We're both 17 and twins. Claire is the oldest being 19 and then Millie and Dan are 18 but aren't twins though.

"I'm excited to be spending two whole months in LA, recording there is going to be so fun" Millie said. We all agreed. I mean I was going I miss this place but we do love America. I would have never expected to actually be known in America but we did it. We actually just hit 3 million subscribers on YouTube which is so awesome.

"Guys we need to rehearse, then pack cause we're leaving tomorrow morning remember" Dan said. We all got up and went to the Garage turned music studio. I play the acoustic guitar, Max plays the electric guitar, Millie is on bass, Claire plays drums and Dan plays keyboard. People call me the lead singer but I mean we all sing, I just sing the most. Okay maybe I am lead singer. Rehearsals got off to a good start, just checking everything sounds alright. Luckily it was all fine and Iran up the stairs to pack. Everyone else had already half done but being my lazy self I couldn't be bothered. Their gonna kill me when they find out I haven't even started. I threw anything I needed into my suit cases. Oh which remind me I need something cute to wear when I see Fifth Harmony. Oh crap what if I meet them. I'm not emotionally ready for this. No Y/N you can do this, stop being the fan girl you are.

"Y/N, Y/N WHERE ARE YOU" Millie called. Luckily after being in my room for an hour ad a half I was almost done.

"IN HERE" I called back from my room. She opened the door.

"You didn't pack early did you?" She laughed. I shook my head. "Idiot" she mumbled under her breathe.

"Hey" I said hitting her arm. "I'm almost done thanks very much" I said.

"Alright well we are all packing up our instruments so yours will be the only one in there when we're finished" Millie said. I nodded and she walked out. I quickly zipped up my two suit cases and carried them down the stairs. Everyone else's stuff was already in the hall way. I turned to see them all bring in their equipment.

"Y/N don't just stand there go pack your stuff" Max said.

"Oh right yeah" I said jumping off the last step and heading into the garage. I find it weird when it's empty. I put my two acoustic guitars in their cases and placed them on the floor before packing up all my travel recording equipment and laptop. I struggled to carry it all out at first but made it in the end. "Finally" I sighed.

"Yeah uh Y/N you still need to get your stuff in the mini van" Claire said.

"Aw man" I said. I started with my two suitcases. I carried them out and chucked them in the boot. I then walked back in and grabbed my two guitars and chucked those in before finally putting in my recording equipment. "Okay am I done now" I said.

"Yep congratulations" Dan said sarcastically.

"Ha ha very funny" I said before walking up into my room and getting ready for bed. Yes it was only 8.00pm but I have to be up a 3.00am, I need some sleep. "NIGHT GUYS" I shouted setting my alarm. They all called back before I headed to bed. Tomorrow I will be in the same country as her. I might even meet her. Camila Cabello.

Note- this is just a start chapter the girls will be in it soon don't worry.

All I Want Is You- Fifth Harmony (Camila/You)Where stories live. Discover now