Chapter 11

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It was weird going to an interview without the others. I really don't like doing anything without the others but Ben doesn't take no for an answer. At least I was with Camila. "You alright?" I turned my head to face Camila. We were both in the car on the way to where the interview would take place.

"Uh yeah just a little nervous, I've never done anything without the band" I replied. Camila squeezed my hand.

"It will be fine, I'm right here remember" Camila said and I nodded.

"Why are you so amazing?" I asked.

"I could ask you the same thing" Camila pecked my lips before we both got out the car. There were a few paps taking pictures but we made it in the building alright. We were taken into a room where we met the guy doing the interview.

"Hello it's so nice to met you both" the guy said shaking our hands.

"You to" Camila and I replied.

"Thank you so much for doing this, my name is Robin" Robin said. We sat down where we were told and let the interview begin.

'So today I am joined by the lovely Camila of Fifth Harmony and the lovely Y/N of Hope, thanks for coming in' Robin started.

'Thanks for having us' Camila said. I was more nervous than I should have been and words were not my best spot at the moment.

'So yesterday you officially announced that you two were together but when did you first meet?' The interviewer started. I looked at Camila and she knew I wasn't ready to talk yet. She found my hand and interlaced out fingers before replying.

'We first met almost two months ago at Hyde Fest here in LA which was really fun, the girls left me and I got lost so I knocked on their trailer and Y/N was there and we talked while she showed me where the stage was' Camila said. Robin laughed.

'what were you thinking when you opened the door and found Camila outside Y/N?' Robin turned to me. I felt Camila squeeze my hand which calmed me down.

'Uh well I was kinda a little star struck, I have been a fan of Fifth Harmony since X Factor and I might have had a little crush on Camila' I said making Robin laugh.

'Well I had a crush in you to so when you opened the door I thought I was about to pass out' Camila turned to me making me laugh.

'So what happened after that?' Robin asked.

'Well we started hanging out a lot' Camila started.

'Just as friends though, although fans started shipping us before anything had even happened' I added.

'And then the kiss' Robin said. Camila as I looked at each other as nodded.

'Yeah, things were a little complicated when that happened' Camila said. Robin looked confused.

'I kinda told her I liked her and then ran away' I said.

'And then I saw her at the beach and I thought I needed to tell her now, luckily Y/N accepted to go on a walk with me and the I kissed her and she ran away again before letting me explain' Camila said.

'I tend to run away a lot' I added.

'I can see' Robin laughed.

'And then a week later I turned up at her house and we talked everything out' I said. 'Camila was my first kiss' I added.

'wow seriously' Robin said and I nodded. I looked at Camila who was smiling widely at me. The rest of the interview was pretty boring. I mean he didn't really ask us interesting questions. When we walked out of the building this time there were fans waiting outside. We stopped and took pictures with as many as possible before being dragged away. It was getting late but the day wasn't over just yet.

"Uh Y/N this isn't the way home" Camila looked at me confused.

"I know" I replied.

"Then where is the driver taking us?" Camila looked at me with an adorable confused expression on her face. I didn't reply though, I just kissed her cheek. Camila didn't ask any more questions. The rest if the journey was quiet. Camila rested her head on my shoulder and we held hands. The car stopped and Camila shot up. "Why are we at the beach?" Camila asked.

"Because you like the beach" I replied.

"Your confusing me" Camila pouted. I kissed her quickly.

"Come on" I said. We both got out the car and quickly interlaced our fingers again.

"Are you going to tell me why we are here now?" Camila asked.

"Well I'm not good with this dating stuff so when I came to planning our first date I had no clue what to do so I just took something's you liked and put them together. I hope you don't hate it, it's seems like a stupid idea now but I thought that maybe we could sit on the beach as watch the sunset" I said looking down. Was it a stupid idea?

"Your wonderful" Camila said. I liked back up to meet her eyes.

"Oh there's also like 3 boxes of pizza in the back if the car" Camila's eyes lit up. I smiled.

"You are the best, I love it, all I want is simple I don't need some fancy restaurant food when I could just sit on the beach and have pizza with you" Camila said. I almost blurted out the three words the I have wanted to say but kept it in.

We finished the pizza quite quickly and were now watching the sunset. Camila's head was in my chest and my free hand was clasped with hers. I wanted to stay like this forever. "Y/N?" Camila said. I hummed in response. "Do you have to go back to London?" Camila sighed.

"Unfortunately I do" I said.

"when are you leaving?" Camila asked.

"In two days" I replied. For the first time I didn't want to got home, cause this is starting to feel more like home than London.

"Please Stay" Camila said.

"I want to so badly" I replied. Camila sat up and cupped my cheek before kissing me. The most passionate kiss to date. When we pulled away she stared at me for a while. Obviously thinking about something. "What's wro-"

"I love you" Camila said. I have never been so shocked in my life. The feeling I have now is the best feeling ever.

"I love you too" I replied as she crashed her lips in to mine. I need felt so much love in my entire life. It felt so right, everything did. The kiss got heated quite quickly and we had to pull away for air. Camila was straddling me.

"Please don't go" Camila said once we had caught our breathe back. I saw a tear fall and quickly pulled we into me.

"Please don't cry, your too beautiful to cry, look at me" I said. Camila looked at me. "Everything will be okay, I don't want you to be upset cause it makes me upset and I will be back before you know it, I might even be moving here soon" I said and I smiled when her face lit up.

"You are?" She asked.

"Yeah, so please don't cry, I love you so freaking much" I said.

"I love you to" Camila replied. We stayed like that until the sun had gone down. I then dropped Camila home before going home myself.

All I Want Is You- Fifth Harmony (Camila/You)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ