Chapter 15

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We had been on your for two weeks now. It's been amazing. Meeting all the fans, performing, interviews and can I just say the catering is so good. "Hey Y/N, isn't that Austin?" Dan asked looking out the window. I walked over and joined him.

"Uh yeah I think so" I said. I could only see the back of him though. We watched him talk to big Rob for a while until we were told we had to go to soundcheck. The others were already inside cause Dan and I needed to get something after meet and greet and had to get there. We grabbed what we needed from our bunks.

"You ready?" Dan called as I appeared from the back of the bus.

"Yep let's go" I replied. We hopped off the bus and started walking towards the arena.

"Oh hey Y/N" we were stopped by Austin. I turned and smiled.

"Hi, oh this is Dan" I said. Austin shook Dan's hand.

"Good to meet you" Austin said.

"You to" Dan replied. I'm not to sure about Austin. I mean he's not a bad guy but he has a crush on Camila. He has said it in interviews and I'm worried she will suddenly go to him. She loves me I shouldn't be worrying right? I shook it off and looked back to Austin.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I was in town and thought I come see the show" Austin replied.

"cool well we should go we have soundcheck now" I said. We said our goodbyes and headed inside the building. We walked down the hall.

"You don't like him do you?" Dan laughed. I shook my head.

"Nope" I replied as we walked to stage. We put in our ear pieces and picked up our microphone before heading on stage. "Hey guys" I said. They all turned around.

"Hey, did you know Austin was here?" Millie asked. My fist clenched.

"Yes" Dan replied.

"Ooh someone's Jealous" Max said.

"Shut it" I said picking up my guitar and starting to play some random chords. We ran through all the songs before heading to dinner. I was kinda sad that Camila wasn't there. None of the Fifth Harmony girls were. I haven't seen any of them all day. I guess I'll see them after the show.

"THANK YOU FOR A GREAT SHOW HAVE AN AMAZING NIGHT" I shouted into the microphone before we all ran off stage. Once we had changed out of our sweaty clothes we walked back to the bus cause we were all as tired as hell. I climbed in my bunk and played on my phone till the show was over. How the hell can 5 minutes on your phone turn into an hour? I decided to go and see the girls cause I haven't seen them all day. I got out my bunk. "I'm going to see Camila and the others" I said. The others weren't really paying attention and just waved their hands. I shrugged and jumped out the bus heading to the backstage area where the girls probably still are cause they had literally just finished. The security guard opened the door for me. I thanked him before walking to the girls room. "Hello hello" I said.

"Y/N" they all shouted hugging me.

"Hey, good show" I said.

"You didn't watch it did you?" Normani asked.

"No sorry I was so tired" I said making them laugh. "I'm sure it was amazing though" I added noticing Camila wasn't in the room.

"Thanks" Ally said.

"Uh do any of you know where Camila is? I haven't seen her all day" I asked.

"Uh she went somewhere with Austin" Dinah said. My face dropped.

"Oh, uh okay thanks" I said. They looked at me worried before I walked out the room. I walked around the whole arena and I swear she isn't here. I decided to so back to their bus to see if she was there. It was dark outside, luckily there was some light. I walked past a little alley thing and saw two figures. I couldn't make out who they were though. I began to walk closer curiosity getting the best of me. The next thing I saw made me want to kill myself right then and there cause I'm sure it would hurt less. Camila and Austin were literally kissing. Right there. I let out a sob. They stopped abruptly and turned to me. I quickly ran off.

"Y/N" Camila called but I just ran. I collided with someone.

"I I I I'm s s so sorry" I stuttered still crying.

"Y/N? Oh my god what's wrong?" Lauren asked.

"Y/N" I heard Camila call.

"I've g g gotta g go" I stuttered pushing past Lauren and running into my bus. I went straight to my bunk. Millie pulled open the curtain as I just cried.

"Oh my god Y/N what happened?" Millie asked.

"C Camila and Austin k kissed" Is all I managed to get out before I cried even harder. Millie hugged me till I fell asleep.

Note- I'm so sorry, it pained me to write this

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