Chapter 21

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"GUYS WE ARE STARTING THE LIVESTREAM SOON, GET YOUR BUTS IN HERE" I heard Claire call from the living room. It had been a week since the tour ended and We had finished moving in yesterday. I forgot how much work it was to move house. The apartment our parents bought us is huge. Ok it's not that big but we all have a room each, then there's the girls bathroom and the boys bathroom, then the living room and kitchen. The kitchen is at the back of the apartment while the living room is at the front and is surrounded by all our rooms. We were doing a Livestream cause we haven't done one in a while and felt like we should. I walked out my room as joined the others on the sofa.

'And here she is' Millie said as u sat myself down between her and Max.

'Hey guys what's up' I said waving at the camera.

'Ask us some questions' Max said. We sat and read through the comments looking for questions.

'Y/N do you always wear a beanie? From Marisa' Dan said. I laughed at the question.

'Yes, even when I'm asleep, no I wear them a lot cause I like them I dot wear them all the time but I wear them a lot' I answered the question. We had all skipped any questions about Camila and I cause I didn't really want to answer them.

'Oh yeah guys we have some new music coming out next month which we are really excited for' Claire said. We all smiled and nodded.

'Yeah we're not sure exactly when but it's defiantly next month' Max added.

'Oh my god I seriously love all you guys, your so funny' I said as I read through the comments and twitter. Then the doorbell went off.

'The door bell just went off but we have no idea who it is' Dan said explaining why Millie had gotten up.

'Y/N YOUR GIRLFRIENDS HERE' Millie called. My face lit up like a light bulb. I jumped up and ran to the door to hug her.

"Is this a bad time?" Camila asked.

"No we're just doing a livestream you can come join" I said grabbing her hand and taking her over to where everyone was.

'Guys look who's here' I said excitedly into the camera.

'Hey' Camila waved. We sat on the floor as there was no room on the sofa.

'Max somebody asked if you were going out with Lauren?' I said. I turned to look at him and he had gone bright red. I laughed.

'Cimorelli or-' I cut him off.

'You know who' I said.

'Um no we are not dating' he said.

'Oh so you won't mind if I post that picture of you two then?' I said. He glared at me. I laughed and quickly posted the picture of the two from that day I found them cuddle up together. I turned to Camila who had been caught red handed staring at me. I smiled. I don't know how long Camila and I had been looking at each other but we were rudely interrupted by Millie throwing a pillow at me.

'What?' I said.

'Dan asked you a question' Millie said. I turned to Dan.

'Someone asked how long ago you and Camila got back together?' Dan said. I looked at Camila, not knowing what to say.

'Well we never really broke up' Camila said looking at me, making sure she was saying the right thing. I smiled and she kissed my cheek.

The rest of the livestream I sprang mostly getting caught looking at Camila. I couldn't help it, she is so beautiful. After the livestream all the others went out to do stuff while Camila and I stayed in. I decided to show her my room which isn't completely finished but it's getting there. I had a Bed, Desk, Keyboard and Chest of drawers in there and my guitars hanging on the wall. I also had a whole wall full of pictures of me and my friends and Family and Camila and I also had a Fifth Harmony poster on my wall cause why not. "It's cute" Camila said sitting on my bed.

"You like it?" I asked. She nodded.

"Yeah but not as much at you" Camila said as I sat down next to her.

"Well you like bananas more than me so I don't know" I laughed. Camila hit my arm playfully.

"I love you more than bananas babe otherwise I would have hung out with them instead of you" Camila replied inching closer to me.

"So if I look in your bag I won't find a banana then?" I asked.

"Well I didn't say that" Camila laughed. We rested our forehead together. She pecked my lips before pulling away. "Let's go somewhere" Camila said jumping up.

"Where do you want to go?" I replied looking up at her.

"I don't know let's just walk around" Camila said. I got up from my seat and held out my hand.

"Let's go then" I said. Camila smiled and happily took my hand.

We walked out of the building hand in hand. We stayed in silence for a while enjoying the presence of each other. "Picture time" Camila said holding out her phone. We took a selfie before she posted it in twitter and Instagram and we continued walking. "Have you ever thought about the future? Like the repercussions of doing something, how it would effect your future" Camila asked.

"Woah deep" I said laughing "but seriously in the UK your are basically forced to think about your future from when your 13 years old, so I've had to but I never have" I replied. Camila turned and looked at me oddly.

"What do you mean?" Camila asked.

"Well why should I have to look to the future when every moment I think about that I'm wasting time, you can't waste your life away thinking about your future so I just live in the moment. I'd much rather spend 5 minutes holding hands with the person I love than spend weeks thinking about my future when spending as much time as possible with the people you love is so much more in important because they are always going to be their for you and look out for you in the future" I said. "It's probably why I failed so many tests but that's me, everyone is different and handles things in different ways, for me the future is living every moment to the best you can cause you'll never get it back, same with the past I don't look at the things I've done in the past, unless it's happy, because I know I will just feel bad about it" I added. "Sorry I rambled" I continued.

"You are so amazing, you know that right" Camila said. I shrugged. "Y/N, stop doubting yourself, you are amazing okay? Say I am amazingly awesome" Camila said. I sighed while laughing.

"I am amazingly awesome" I said.

"And my girlfriend is always right" Camila added making me laugh more.

"And my girlfriend is always right cause she is amazingly awesome to" I said.

"Thanks" Camila said. "But anyway I had never thought about the future in that way before, so what you just live" Camila said. I laughed.

"Yeah I guess, I just go on day by day" I said. Camila surprised me by kissing me. When we pulled back I smiled at her.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"Just because" Camila said. I smiled and kissed her again.

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