Chapter 4: New Friendships

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You were just the friend that I needed at that time, I don't know how, but we just clicked and I really saw a good friend in you, Jill.
We grew to become the best friends, and we complimented each other so well and everyone that knew us, knew that we were inseparable.
I used to believe that too, but time always surprises you.

But, oh Jill, you weren't there when he came and asked me, but if you were there, perhaps he would've never asked.

"I...I just wanted to ask if you and Jill would like to hangout with me and Nicolas, but you can say no, it's okay. Like it's really no deal," Musa said.

I could kind of sense the anxiousness he felt by the way his voice shaked.

"Well yeah, I guess it'd be fun, it's a date," I laughed... I really tried to seem cool even though I was just as nervous as he was. But I couldn't help but think that it was so sudden, why would Musa and his friend want to hangout with me and Jill, we really never spoken before.

Later that day, I went to tell Jill about the date, and she was apparently clearly aware of why we just got asked to hangout.

"I think Musa likes me, he has been sending me a lot of text messages and they all seem like love declarations honestly, but I really don't like him like that," Jill said.

"Oh, so it's like that, but I already said yes, so we have to go. We can't cancel on them," I said.

"I guess you're right, it wouldn't be rightful of us to cancel on them when we've just made plans. It'd be cruel to do that, right? And where are we going anyway?"

"I think that we're going ice skating, so it'll be fun! No worries. Musa said that none of them are really good at ice skating," I laughed, this time it was a genuine laugh, I was imagining how fun it'd be to watch them slip and fall on the ice, it'd be like Bambi on slippery ice.

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