What a Witch

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You're sitting on the edge of a lake, school yearbook in your lap, exhausted from another solo hunt. As you're flipping through the pages, the memories start to flood back. Oh, how you hated when they made fun of your destiel fan fiction, it made you just want to wrap your hands around their necks and squeeze. You grab your red pen and eerily draw the letter x over another one of your classmates' headshots.

You jump as your cell rings. "Dean Winchester," you mumble to yourself, what's he calling me about?" The black Nokia fumbles in your hands dangerously close to the shimmering lake before you accept the call. "Hey what's up?" you ask him.

"Nothing much just need your help on a case. I'll text you the details."

"Hey wait a sec-" you start to protest before you realize he has already hung up. Who does he think he is? First he asks you for help regrowing his finger after Sam "accidentally" cut it off. He seriously thought you were just gonna miss the opportunity to call him nine-fingered Dean? It always amuses you to imagine every time he calls you he's typing the numbers with his stub of an index finger. You snort over the thought of it while admiring all your classy witches hats. You silently stroke the one on the far left, the one only for special occasions. You safely plop it on you head and secure it with a green rubber band you stole from that last Vegan you killed. You hop onto your broomstick and secure your GPS in place. Once your Genie Protection Service is secured, you finally feel safe from the Will Smith Genie and all of its monstrous horrors.

You walk down the stairs wondering why your entrance music isn't playing. The thought of entering anywhere in silence and solitude makes your toes curl. "Hey Y/N how's it goi-" Castiel starts before he is abruptly shot in the head. You tuck your gun back underneath your iconic witch hat.

"What just happened in here, oH MY GOD CAS IS DEAD!" Dean shouts. He quickly scrambles over to Cas' cold body and searches for any valuables. "Did he forget to play your entrance music?" Dean asks calmly before his rush of excitement over finding a 20 stuffed in Cas' back pocket. You nodded and then slide the corpse away from you with your broomstick. "Hey be careful with it," Dean warns, "his organs might be worth something, and they're still fresh!" He sinisterly removes a small pocket knife from his jacket.

"Woah, woah, woah," you say, "case first." Dean groans and opens his laptop.

"You always were a buzzkill Y/N," he groans. He opens up the laptop and begins discussing a new type of deadly supernatural creature you haven't hears of before called furries, a new werewolf-demon hybrid.

"Hey what's going on in here?" Sam questions, ignoring the dead body seeping thick, dark blood.

"I'm just letting Y/N know about the new creature, we might need a witch as powerful as her to wipe out the demon-werewolf hybrid," Dean remarks. You ponder over this remark, knowing your skill level as a witch

"You know I'm like I really weak witch, right?"


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