Wincest Sucks

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"Everybody gangsta until-"

"Shut up Cas," Dean huffs. "Why did you have to teach him memes Y/N?"

You shuffle in your seat avoiding those judgmental green eyes you thought held the world. That is, until he called you his little sister. Even the memory of it started to make you feel queasy. Your once love for the middle-aged man had turned into a deep, dark hatred. You have been plotting your revenge in more sinister ways than the three boys combined could ever try to imagine. Thats saying a lot considering what they do. You roll off the couch and do a few parkour moves before walking back to your room. Feeling defeated, you don't notice Sam trailing behind you. He tiptoed behind you and felt regret over wearing heels that he had bought specifically for their iconic clack when he entered the room. They were quite the burden when he tried to pull a sneaky on ya. He finally works up enough courage to confront you when you are about to enter your room and start your daily cry session. You think the boys can't hear, but they secretly record your sobs and use them and future blackmail.

"Hey Y/N, I noticed your reaction when Dean said you were like a little sister to him earlier, and, I just wanted to make sure you were okay." He seems kind and considerate but you fail to see any further than his angelic facade. The evil manipulative undertone of his concern for you flys under your radar.

"Yea I mean I guess I have feelings for him I mean I don't really know what that means for the team itself and-" Your face turns red and you look deep into Sam's eyes, begging him to not go through with what you had slightly expected would be the case, but you never thought he would go this far. Sam had pushed you up against the wall and wrapped his hands around your deeply moisturized neck.

"Look Y/N, Dean's my best bro, so I don't want anything to happen to him, to distract him from who he's meant to be with. Although, more importantly, I can't afford to have any competition. You know what they say, sometimes gay love can pierce the veil of death and save the day," Sam giggles and it makes you sick.

You feel as though he's pulling the oxygen right out of your lungs as you gasp for air. Not being able to support yourself, you fall to the ground, making it slightly less uncomfortable than being strangled up against the wall, or maybe it was just because you were losing consciousness. Your face turns purple and you claw at Sam's toned forearm. You manage to give him a view scratches before your vision turns black. The colors you had once loved, like the green in Dean's eyes was disappearing. No, was being stolen, by the man that would soon steal your life as well. You know this is your last opportunity to choke out your last words.

You mutter under your breath, "Sweet home Alabama."

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