Part 3: A Love Story?

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You stole your step-brother, Elongated Musky's time machine and traveled back to Crowley's hometown in Scotland.

"Wow this brings back memories," you hear a muffled British voice say from inside the garbage bag. You see one of his eyes peeping out through one of his air holes.

"Shut up," you say, poking his eye away from the hole with a stick.

You walk into a Scottish motel and release Crowley. He does a spinny trick and rolls into somersault. He lifts his hands into the air indicating that he stuck the landing. It is late at night, so you decide to eat the ice that you packed yourself as a little snack. You start to munch on the ice, but Crowley looks at the tasty treat longingly. You give him a few cubes of ice, and eat the rest quickly so he can't ask for more.

Later than night, you changed into a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt that says, "I like 'em big". Crowley then proceeded to change into the nightgown that he always carried on him for special occasions. Your cheeks turn red as you admire the pink, frilly nightgown with puffed sleeves. What a hottie. Crowley catches you staring at him and you quickly turn away, engrossed in your embarrassment.

"So," Crowley says seductively, doing a little spin, "what do we think?"

As vengeance for embarrassing you, you take out your squirt gun filled with chloroform and give Crowl Crowl a little spritz. He hisses at you and turns away.

"I-I'm sorry," he bellows, "I just, just didn't know how else to gain your attention. "Can, can I kiss you?" he wonders. You slowly nod, only noticing the man in the nightgown and not the consequences. He brushes his lips up against yours and you feel a tingling sensation rise and fall throughout your body. Was this really happening. This had been something you subconsciously dreamed about every time you saw the King of Hell but you never thought it would become a reality.

"Is that limited edition Thanos Lip Smackers?" you question, pondering over where Crowley could have gotten his little paws on some. He nods and asks you if you want to do the shrekxy tonight. You respectfully decline because you're edgy like that. He admires that quality. You fall asleep is Crowley's chubby arms that feel suspiciously similar to the arms of your third lover, Sal. You hear him purr as you caress his hands that are stained with red marker for some reason. You don't question it. This is too great a moment to spoil.

The next morning, you and Crowley go on a long walk through town. You ruffle with his hair until he hisses at you. He knows you love to hear him hiss. Crowley sees his the younger versions of his childhood bullies, and the two of you chat while having some shooting practice.

These dates continue for many days varying from shopping to murder sprees. These were the best days of your life.

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