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Continuing from last chapter

Jungkook's pov

"Why hasn't she called me?" I mumbled to myself

It's been over an hour since she left and her house is only a 10 minute walk away

I so new to this whole 'being a boyfriend' thing and I really don't know when is too soon to call or when is too late, in my eyes there is no right time, one makes you seem really clingy and the other makes you seem like you don't care

I eventually stopped thinking and just called her

No answer

I called again

Still no answer

'Why did Yoongi want me to text him when she got here?' I thought to myself

I sighed and grabbed my coat, a mask and a hat so I could go and see if she was okay

"I'm going to Lauren's" I said as I walked through the living room passed Hoseok and Namjoon, everyone else was in their room

"She didn't leave that long ago" Hoseok turned to me

"I told her to text me when she was home and she didn't, she won't answer her phone either"

"What do you think has happened?"

"She's probably just fallen asleep, but I'm just gonna make sure"

"Be careful!" Namjoon shouted after me as I was leaving

"I will be!" I shouted as the door was closing

Time skip

I knocked on her door and there was no answer

I knocked again

Still no answer

"Come on, Lauren, it's me, open the door" I shouted through the letterbox

I was stood there for ages before I walked to her window and looked through it

I saw something move almost like it was ducking or falling behind her kitchen island

What the hell?

I started to worry and panic

"Lauren!" I shouted as I began trying to break her door down

It only took a few hits before it swung open

"Lauren?!" I called out as I headed towards the kitchen

I gasped at what I saw

She had a huge and deep cut on her wrist with blood squirting out of it

There was a pool of blood under where her cut wrist was and a bloodied knife lay just beside her limp right arm

"Lauren, come on baby, come on, you're okay" I kicked the knife to the side and cradled her in my arms, too shocked to do anything that would be useful

"Lauren, what happened?" I asked like she could respond

"Just answer me please!"

My phone began to ring and I grabbed it from my front pocket and answered it, it was Jimin

I don't know why I answered, it all felt like a dream, a sick and twisted dream


"Hey, Jungkook have you heard that Yoongi hyungs dick pic has been leaked" Jimin didn't notice the distraught tone in my voice

"Hyung" this time my the sobs I was trying to hold back could be heard in my voice

"Jungkook, what's wrong?"


"What? Jungkook, what happened?"

"H-hel-p p-please " I could barely speak through my sobs

"Are you okay?"

"She's- she's bleeding"

"Jungkook, I'm on my way, call an ambulance, I'll be there soon" I heard him moving around like he was trying to rush and get ready

Time skip

A few hours later and she was still unconscious

Me, Jimin and y/n were waiting in the hospital and they were still doing some sort of test on her

They won't let us see her

The same doctor that was treating her came into the family/friend waiting room

We all looked up at him expectantly

"Miss Park need an emergency blood transfusion, unfortunately we've run into a problem that all hospitals run into from time to time, we don't have right blood type to be able to do the transfusion"

"If she doesn't get this transfusion... will she..." I trailed off letting the doctor finish my sentence

"Miss Park won't make it if she doesn't get this blood and we're running out of time"

"How much do you need? What blood type is she?"

"We need 3-4 pints of type A blood"

"I'm A" y/n leaned forward

"But you just had a baby, it's probably not safe" Jimin turned to her

"When was your baby born?" The doctor asked

"December 21st"

"It's really not advisable that you give her blood this soon after having a baby"

"Why not?"

"You would have lost a lot of blood during your baby's delivery and you need all the strength and nutrients as possible to care for your baby-"

"I'm type A" I cut the doctor off

"This is a very risky thing"

"It's okay, I'm fit, I'm healthy, I haven't just had a baby"

"You will need to rest for a few days and make sure to eat and drink a lot, especially foods with lots of iron in it"

"I understand"

He started typing on the ipad that was in his hands, I'm assuming he was trying to find my medical records

"What's your name?" He asked

"Jeon Jungkook"

"Date of birth?"



"(Bts dorms)"

"Okay, everything looks good, no bad medical history, no heart conditions. A nurse will be with you shortly, but you do have to keep in mind, this is risky"

"I'll do anything to save her"

He smiled and left the room

Everything is going to be okay Lauren

This most likely isn't how, blood transfusions etc work, I'm pretty sure you can't give that much blood at once, but I really don't know how to write this, I probably shouldn't have gone down this storyline, thinking about it now, but please just go with it, no matter how ridiculous it is

LEARNING TO LOVE | BTS | JEON JUNGKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now