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In the last chapter of Secret Child Of Min Yoongi: Jungkook and Lauren made plans to meet up in Daegu and y/n's mum called her for the first time in years and told her that her dad had been in a really bad car accident and y/n needed to go to Japan to see him

23rd January 2019

Jungkook's pov

"So, why can't your parents know I'm here?" I asked Lauren as sat down next to me on the sofa in her parents living room, both of them were at work

"Because they think it's better for me not to see any of my friends for a while, just while I, you know, fully recover... mentally" she put her feet up and cuddled into the side of me

"But you're an adult, don't you get to make your own decisions?"

"I'm living under their roof, aren't I? Look, I love my parents, and I know they're just trying to help me get better... besides, it won't be that difficult for us to sneak around" she ended her sentence by kissing my cheek

"When does your mum finish work?"

"4 o'clock, so if we go to my room then we should be good. When my mum gets home is kinda unpredictable, sometimes she'll be home at 5 past, sometimes half past or somewhere in between" she sighed

It's 3:47 o'clock

"Why don't... we... go to... your room now... and mess around... for a little bit?" I asked in between placing kisses on her lips

"I don't think we'll have time" she smiled

"I guess we'll see" I stood up and grabbed her hands to lead her up to her room

Time skip

Lauren's pov

Jungkook is in the shower right now and because my parents don't know he's here, I have to stay in the room with him

There's just one problem with this house, the lock on the bathroom door is broken, so either one of my parents can walk in right now, but the showers pretty loud so they'll probably hear that and understand someone's in here

I'm sat on one of the counters next to the sink, waiting for Jungkook to finish showering, when a knock on the bathroom door scared me

"Who is it?" I asked

"It me" I heard my mums voice

"What's wrong?"

"I left my phone in there when I was in the shower and I need to make an important phone call, so you mind if I come in and grab it real quick?"

"Uhhhhh.." I desperately tried to come up with an excuse

"I- I'm in the shower mum"

"I won't look, plus I won't be able see anything, you're behind the shower curtain, Lauren"

I just sighed, not knowing what to say next

"I'll be quick" the bathroom door began opening slowly and in a moment of panic I jumped from the bathroom counter and into the shower

Jungkook was shook and he put his hands on my sides to help me balance and stop me from falling

Him being naked completely slipped my mind in the rush, so when I looked down I relief and saw his dick, I almost moaned

"Ah! Where did I leave it?" I hear my mum ask

"I never saw it" I said back, still checking out my hot, ripped boyfriend

"Oh, here it is! I leave you alone now then, Lauren"

"Bye" I was not amused my mum coming in here, especially because now I'm horny again and my clothes are soaked, because of being horny and because of the shower

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