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Bella Swan: is a young girl who moves to forks Washington to be with her father because of the fact that she and mother are not getting along she also feels kind of weird but that she was living with her mom she feels like she really don't fit in. But when she moves to forks she meets Edward Cullen and Jacob Black, she remembers Jacob because when she comes to see her dad they hang out as best friends what she does not know is that Edward and Jacob are together and she is their missing piece, and she destined to be their other mate.

Edward Cullen: is a vampire and he goes with Jacob black who is wolf how did that happen when. The Cullens first came back to forks they meet with the pack to let them know that we're here by the line because they have a treaty between the two of them. but Jacob saw Edward and imprinted on him there was also a prophecy then one of the wolves would imprint on a vampire that did not go after humans and that they would mean a young woman to complete because that wolf would imprint on her and the Vampire would be it mate they need the vampire would be male for the start

Jacob black: well imprint on both Edward and Bella and Edward would be Bella mate so both Jacob and Edward are bisexual and Bella is just into guys but the 3 of them will love each other and everything

The Cullen family: will get long more with the pack and the same for the pack

The  Volturi: will get along with the wolves and the Cullen's because in the prophecy Bella is the one who helps bring the world of the supernatural together and they keep the human safe Volturi actually supernatural World Police so to say and they rule it as well but they are just trying to live in peace but you do get the nomads and stuff that don't listen

Enjoy these and other characters

Ps the only characters that are in the story that I owned are the ones that I'm going to make up

Bella Im Mate To Vampire And Wolf Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz