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Bella's POV

The day at school was going on so close for the day we thought that we should stay close to Tyler because we don't want Mike to be trying anything to him right now that's it's best where going to be safe and everything like that right now

Bella : hay Tyler you stay close to all of us till we leave school because you don't want to be dealing with Mike and his group of people around right now and everything because there so so crazy I can't believe how much they changed

Tyler : I'm just trying to hang out with them and everybody knew that because I wanted to be cool but I didn't wanted to go this way and everything like that they seem to have gone off their rockers I mean Lauren will sleep with anything with two legs
Because she wants to get head and everything I can't count how many on the football 🏈 team and basketball team that she been sleeping with it 

Bella : brings to word to the words ho ho ho

Edward: wow you always seem to see what it's like when it comes to things like that

With that we all head out with Mike and his gang of friends looking at us I am not going to be letting him get way with it  I'm going to keep a close eye just want are you ready up to Mike Newton

Bella : hay Jessicanot to be rude or anything but when you used to date in my did you see me weird stuff in his behaviour beside the way he acts was Schoollike things happening at who other things when you know

Jessica:looking at is home but there's like a lot of things and then going on with him and everything as he got older and meeting up with people they shouldn't I don't know if he got in with the wrong crowd or what why you acting this way I can see why you're asking these questions on that dough because nobody understands what happened to the Mike we all used to know but to tell you the truth I'm a lot more happier right now because I have Paul

Edward:trust me we believe he's a better fit for you anyway because we know that you're definitely in safe hands and everything with Paul because you know that's a love that strong ( and because according to the supernatural world when a wolf imprints on you there love is where you forever if it's strong)

Jessica: ya I know that Paul going to treat me right and everything which is a good thing and Leah going to treat Eric right and Angela's getting treated right buy embry all we know everything is going to be the way it is
and we don't need to be with the slackers that we used to be with around here and stuff like that we need people just going to take care of us and we finally have that

Rose : yes you do no woman should have the type of relationship that you were having and everything when Mike on the end because I could tell that he was really in making sure he kept you on a short leash no offense my love but you deserve a lot better than that

Jessica: thank you rose your right cuz it was a nightmare being within Rosalie I tell you

Bella : trust me we can all see that because of the way that he used to treat you and everything like that I'm just glad I have my real friends away from that moron again now

I thought to myself that it was a really good idea that we were in the car now I had a way far away from where Mike and his friends can hear us and stuff like that we were all heading to the Cullen'shouse right now cuz that's where everybody else is going to be meeting us for a meeting and things like that I'm just glad we finally got through the school day will Tyler right now has been dropped off at his house a long way because I mean we have to make sure it's safe to bring you into the supernatural worldI have a feeling that he might fit in somehow and so did the others we just want to run it by everybody else first


Edwards POV

I had taken notice that where we had dropped Tyler off that his eyes would change a little bit and everything like that I wonder if that was for a reason or if it's just become a thing genetic I have a feeling from things that I've been seeing about him he could be from the supernatural world and maybe he doesn't even know what yet because it took Bella while to find out that she was more the a human and taht she as a sister

Bella : hay Edward baby are you okay in that head of yours right now

Edward: yes but I couldn't help it feel like when we were dropping off Tyler that his eyes were changing and things like that so that makes me feel like he fits into our supernatural world  maybe he don't know about anything about himself in that way yet because to tell you the truth he seems a lot distance when he was hanging around with Mike and that

Jasper :you're right about things like that maybe we should talk to everybody about that when we got to the house because if he is part of the supernatural world it's going to have to understand it and everything and fit in with us better I have a feeling though that it might help us to help him

I knew that Jasper was right so hopefully that aro and the others and Carlisle can all tell us something about this taht we don't know for sure

Tyler Crowley's POV

when I got home I went to my room and listen to music and everything like that. I told my parents how I was done hanging around with Mike and everything they were happy about that cuz he found out he wasn't the right person I told I was going to get my grades up and everything is not seeing you again and they said that they were happy that I was finally where I should be

my parents don't tell me much and everything but I have this weird feeling like there's more to me than I know and I'm wondering why

I'm going to go have that I'm back with my real friends but I have a feeling that I need to learn more about myself I mean sometimes I feel like I'm more than human but it's not a weird feeling and I don't know why sometimes I'm wondering where exactly do I fit in

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