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Edward POV

When we head into school I could tell that we where being watched and I looked and saw. That he was Mike and his friend and everything I also saw someone watching us from the woods that. Not a good I think I should get my baby Jacob and his pack to check it out and everything right now

With wants been going on with the nomad's and everything.I hope that's he well enough to check it out I just want to make sure that there's no major issues and everything has been going on for some reason I have to make sure that make does not get near Jessica today cuz I can think I've seen him taking a look at I was talking earlier I want to keep Bella and her safe best I can

Bella: hay baby you okay

Edward:yeah I'm fine but I have a feeling with my kissing and watching you and Jessica talk and everything like that so I'm just making sure that nothing's going to happen on that and one thing for sure I think she's right she needs to get away from him before it's too late

just when we were about to walk in brother in the school I saw Ben Angeles boyfriend but I think he was sucking face with Lauren this is not a good thing and everything right now I think Angela really needs to know about this and everything so I told Bella I think if she's going to go and talk to me Angela and she turned Jessica the same thing yep we really need to figure out how to get these girls out of the situation



Soon as I found out what then was doing I went got Jessica and I went to tell Angela and then we went to do that made sure we have proof because we didn't want enchiladas think we were just making up stuff so why we were doing that Edward was getting it all on tape it was a good thing .I have a feeling that Angela knows that something was going on with her boyfriend lately she seems even downer than usual

Bella: hay me and Jessica need to talk to youAngela because if we don't tell you this right now you're not going to believe it but we have proof to show you Edward saw and put it on his phone but here take a look at this Ben been cheating on you and he's been doing LaurenI also believe that they're trying to figure out to get me and Edward it's almost like there becoming Mike's lackey's

Jessica: trust me when I tell you that he is definitely changed a lot and told him so has been from what I've been seeing from hanging around with them when I go out with Mike and I'm definitely trying to get out of this situation being with them and you know that cuz I feel like the leash is getting tighter and stuff like that

Angela:I believe you have because I've had my suspicions lately and everything and stuff like that also my parents have been fighting and stuff so that's why I did not feeling really like myself lately there's a lot going on that we really need to check out more that's been going on around here but I have a feeling but there's other things that you don't know I mean Benz but keeping me on a tight leash as well I think it's time that I have to try to get out of this relation to for some reason I don't know what's going on I think I need to start hanging out with her old friends like we did years ago

Bella : I think there's time that you two girls are hanging around with me and the people I hang out with him out again like you said we have to get you out of this situation you cannot believe in your internet pisode whereas you got a couple of guys and want to play you like puppets on a string and marionettes I mean you're nothing like that's them for your uman being for f*** sakes

they start to laugh because they've noticed that I've been getting a bit more of a tongue and everything lately hey I don't give a s*** I'm going to say it like it is

after the three of us talked we all had it in the school and stuff like that the girls started .to be hanging out with me and my friends more I can tell if their so-called boyfriends were watching us but I looked at the guys and told me go fuc themselves and told him I know what you're doing with the girls and everything and as of right now they told me to tell you to go fuc yourself cuz they don't want anything to do with you anymore so right now I am telling you to back off and stay away from them and if you try anything I will have my father on your ass

Mike : you think you can tell me what to do Bella think again that's not a good thing at all

Bella:Mike you may think that you run the school but you've got another thing comin I'm back in town right now I don't run nothing either but I'm going to be making sure that you and your bunch of friends stay out of people's business so I can live your life normal one if you get out of hand I'm going to be taking it to my father is the principal and f****** do anything about it so you know what I'm definitely going to be making sure that you are not high-and-mighty the principal brown spotting cans within the school rules but my father is Chief of Police so he can do a lot fucking more

With that Mike and his friends walked off I thought to myself I must have struck a nerve cuz there's no way I'm going to have to let him treat people the way he was and everything like now he's nothing but a bully and so is his posse yeah I am definitely going to be making sure everything is ok

principal green walk by and smiled at me I think he thought it was a good idea that I was able to stand up to Mike and everything like that again he does do what he can or and here's the pencil over there's only so much you could do with in the school and he uses them to the max when it comes to Mike but even that's not working

Edward: baby girl you just was able to hold your own when it comes to Newton and his b******* around here and that makes me so proud to call you my girlfriend

I can yeah I can't wait to for the school day to be f****** over so we can get out of here and go down to the push later to see our friends and I have a feeling that I want to take the girls with me for some reason I think they can use it but I also have a feeling that Angela and Jessica belong down there


Jacobs POV

I'm doing a lot better now and I'm back to school and working with the pack I saw something going on in the woods I was talking to Carlisle and he said he was talking to the volturi about what was going on with the new meds and they agree that we need to step it up around here and they'll help if we have to we'll just got the right now I'm looking for a things and everything at the school day is over and it's a good thing that you was coming down later. With Bella and Edward

we need to be a little careful though until we know for sure if they can do all that what's going on with supernatural world let's just hope everything will work out feeling that there's a pool for those girls to come down here possibility that they might be getting imprinted just a feeling they have you pick up on stuff like that when you're the Alpha of the pack and everything like that right now

Paul: hay Jake what's going on in that head of yours now man

Jacob: just thinking that it's a good thing that the girls are coming back down around here with Bella so she could have her friends and that again but I also have a feeling that there's something going on like I have a feeling that Angela and Jessica might be getting printed on just pick up on those things when you're in the pack leader

Paul:I got a feeling that you could be right for some reason because when I go by the high school that your guys go to what I mean by that Bella and Edward were there with I like to check in and make sure things are safe around there for you every once in awhile but I have a feeling that every time I passed there I can't take my eyes off of Jessica

Jacob: yeah I know what you mean those things didn't work out with you and my sister and everything when she moved away but I have a good feeling about this maybe Jessica supposed to be with you for some reason she really needs to get away from that might guy from what I've heard it's not good at all

I knew that what I was thinking about was right just as I was saying that Bella and Edward show up and I can tell that Bella was mad about something and I saw that Jessica and Angelo was with them all of a sudden I saw Paul look at Jessica and he couldn't take his eyes off her when down when I said what the imprinting I wonder if Angela is going to get imprinted on

Soon I said that the other guys came over let's see what next

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