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Bella POV

I couldn't help but see taht Paul was not taking his eyes of Jessica and that's a good thing because I believe that he will. Be way better for her then Mike and everything Paul may be a bit of a hothead sometimes but we see knows when it's to be one or not he does not treat a girl with disrespect you or anything like that he's a good guy he always knows that it's when the right time but it seems I have a feeling that Jessica may be able to keep him in track LOL

Bella: hay Jessica are you coming to breathe anytime soon for some reason it seems like you can't seem to take your eyes off of Paul and you haven't seen him in years

Jessica: damn he as gottento be really good looking and everything these days man what happened to you did you have like a growth spurt LOL

Paul: yeah I guess so is called puberty but now I'm a lot older LOL

Bella:(whispers to Jacob) I have a feeling that those two are definitely going to be in item do you think that he and print it on her and if he did I think that's a good thing baby because to tell you the truth would be nice to be able that two of my best friends in on the secret of me and you and  Edward

Jacob (whispers back to Bella) you have hit the nail on the head and I have a feeling that I have a pretty good idea that one of the other boys are going to do an imprint on Angela is locked because I can tell that a lot of the guys are looking at her but for some reason I have a feeling that embry definitely can't take his eyes off her yeah it was looking good

Edward:( whispers to both) I have a feeling that you are both very right and everything is what you're talking about there because I could sense of hearing your thoughts and that too so I know for sure that it's going to look really good because I think these girls are better now we could just figure out a way to get Eric away from all those idiotic buffoons and stuff because Mike is still stringing him along and that he wants to be able to be with his real friends too so I talked to him earlier if he can get a chance to get away from them Eric might come down later

thought to myself. That's a good idea who knows maybe he might be able to get some better things going on and who knows maybe Leah might invite on him


Alice POV
I had a vision I thought it was a good thing because what I was seeing was the fact that Paul and put it on Jessica and inbreeding printed on Angela so I'll be nice for them to be able to understand and actually be able to be closer friends with us and get to understand the supernatural world and then I also had a vision of Eric heading down to the push to hang out I have a feeling though yep just what I saw he's about to get imprinted on by Leah on the two of them are not going to see it coming I think that's a great idea and stuff because to tell you the truth I think people deserve to be happy I don't understand though why we have to deal with the s*** that we do at school with Mike and his balloons


Eric's POV

I told Mike and all of his friends to go where and how to get there and everything a Christian Bella and the rest stand up to him I knew that I was going to be able to be myself again so I left in my car I had la  pushed Hangouts my old friends I haven't been around for a whileand then when I got there I couldn't believe how much Leah Clearwater grow up and everything she looks so absolutely beautiful and her some reason me and her could not take her eyes off each other

Edward: hay Eric you came after the talk we had when we ran into each other later on and everything like that and it's good that you're back with the friends that you should be in things yeah because I see that you were nothing but a puppet to those other ones

Eric:you're right about that I'd rather use my real friends and hanging around with a bunch of idiot baboons and stuff like that I know one thing for sure I was friends with them and everything when he was young stuff but then when they changed I tell you and I got to say one thing about Lauren she is coming to school you know what because she'll sleep with anything I'm not saying anyone if you know what I mean she'll do anything for some reason she needs to learn to keep it in her pants

everybody could not stop laughing about that but for some reason I felt like that this was where I should have been all along I noticed something that was at there was this weird feeling like we're all being washed and I don't know why I've been having these weird thoughts and stuff lately

Bella: I suppose you guys are feeling kind of weird wondering why that a couple of the guys and girls are staring at you guys I think it's time for me I'll sit down and have a talk let's just hope that you three are going to believe everything that we have to tell you

Eric: what do you mean by that Bella

Bella: remember those stories and legends we all used to hear as kids and everything like that I have a feeling that you're about to learn that they're more than just stories

Well we all thought this was going to be interesting


Edwards POV

I'll cover you just sit around the fire and everything's are Jacob's Dad could tell the story is so everybody can understand what was going on I wonder what the three of them are going to think when they find out about the legend and the fact that me and Jacob and Bella are all together then again that's just makes the three of them now for the supernatural rule themselves or they were imprinted on this is signed understand what's going on for sure let's just hope everything is getting better and let's just hope we can deal with the situation that's going on with those crazy nomads and things we have a feeling that even watched for a while but we still don't know who this mystery person is they really need to get to the bottom of it if we want to stay one step ahead

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