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Bella POV

I was getting ready to be heading to out because we have school today and everything  but I hate that I can't have both of my mate's there  because Jacob  goes to school on the reservation I just really wanted to know he's going to be okay and everything went all those stupid Nomads up there I want to know what's going on with me because I have a feeling that I've been being watched and everything here lately I don't like the fact that that's been going on I just want everything to be okay I mean I'm home here now living with my father where I should have been all alone I finally found out that I have the Love's in my life and everything I don't think I would ever be able to go back to living with my mother again after not being able to see eye-to-eye so long

I more happy here like I had said and everything is better in my life well right now I'm getting ready to leave for school with Edward from my house where going to be checking on Jacob and Seth later after school again but I. Have a bad feeling about Mike and I know that he as been keeping a very tight leash Jessica and she is trying everything to get away from him than that not wanting to be with him anymore and she knows about what he's trying to do to get with me and things something is telling me that he's coming way too controlling of her

Edward :you seem to be in millions on the way there in that line if you're as right now what's going on with that who you was beautiful

Bella:I have a feeling that Mike is definitely going to be stringing you along Jessica and everything like that she still trying to get away from him and she knows what he's like and everything that he's been doing this does not make sense right now but for some reason I have a feeling that way until we get to school he's going to try you something like he always says he gets his way he really needs to learn that he cannot be doing this s*** I mean what happened to my best friend when he was a kid I think he's well everything go to his bloody head

Edward: yes what you are saying is so true let's get to school and see if we can keep a eye on him so he the Wii doesn't go trying to do anything to Jessica but I've also noticed that been the so-called boyfriend of Angela has been doing something this way way maybe we need to make sure that she's safe as well I guess it's just my vampire senses and I'll pick it up on stuff

Bella: what would I do if I didn't have you and Jacob right now I'd go crazy because I don't think I would be able to deal with all mike  s*** on my own

I hug Edward and we left and when we heading to school we sent a message to Jacob in our thoughts that we loved him and everything and he said the back was a good thing to know that we were able to have each other when we needed them the most right now let's just hope that everything is going to play it right in the school day but I have a feeling that something's going to be off of them Mike and Jessica today for what is that I'm going to really need to make sure that's she going to be okay .

plus I'm bringing a lot of that my father dying to keep up with everything that's been going around with a certain case he's been saying there's a lot of kids going missing in that and everything and there's other people as well you need to make sure there's no nomad's involved in anything that as well this is really something that we need to know this going to happen

let's just hope that everything is going to be running smoothly today when we need it the most for some reason like I said the school day is going to be very interesting


Jessica POV

I don't know why but I have a bad feeling about mine and Mike relationship and everything lately I have a feeling like I'm more of a toy to him and stuff like that I can come and go as I please or anything anymore I know me and him been dating since I eighth grade he has definitely changed I got to figure a way that I'm going to be getting out of this.maybe I should talk to my real friends and everything about this and maybe angel on Jessica job to try to help me as well but I have a feeling though that Angela's having a bit of problems with her boyfriend to this is definitely something we need to check out no one should feel a lot of pressure when they're in a relationship from the guy there with just does not seem right with the way Mike acting   these days

I need to see how I'm going to getting out of this he noting but a asshole to me lately

Why I was thinking about all of this I saw Bella and Edward coming to school Bella saw the look on my face and came to talk to me and everything right now

Bella : hay you ok Jess

Jessica: I'm trying to get out of being with Mike it like he wants to get you and keep me two it's not a good thing for him to be wanting to do that I mean and everything right need taken more seriously it's like he wants to have his cake and eat it too over and over again

Bella:you're right about things like that when you're with somebody you would someone and they have to treat you for the right reasons and they don't have to be going after you and that for other reasons (that's the way it should be in the normal world and everything because that's the way love is supposed to be at the supernatural world is a little bit different I mean you can't help that when you're drawn to them because I love the fact that you're made of them things that's different how long are you supposed to tell one of your best friends that your part vampire and possibly have wolf in you as well yeah so it's better to keep us thinking that everything is normal LOL)


Bella POV

I knew  what Jessica was saying was right and everything we were going to do our best to try to get it to the fact that she was going to be able to get off and that relationship and everything and because there was no way we were not going to let Mike use her the way he has been for some reason I have a feeling though there's other things that she's not telling us and I'm wondering is Mike been doing things that he shouldn't. Then maybe I'm going to have to figure this out more

With that we went into the school but we. Could not stop feeling that we being watched

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