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Soojungs P.O.V

When I got outside I looked first to the left then right before I spotted the silver-hair in the crowd. He was one of the shorter ones, still like a head taller than me but I managed to look between the crowd.

I followed him, pushing myself through, between people to get to him and hand him over his phone. I bumped into a few people on the way down the road, it was like 30 meters to him.

Even if he was short I could give him the cred of walking really fast, like what the heck. My short legs couldn't even come near him if I walked. And the people who came in my way didn't help.

He turned around a corner after another and another and I still didn't catch up with him. When I had an empty street in front of me I started running, running towards him. And then, he just turned into an alleyway?

Did I really see it right, what was he doing in there? I stopped as I contemplated if I really should go in there or not. I decided to do so, what could really happen anyways? And I should really give him his phone back, he maybe had some important stuff on it or anything.

I peeped behind the corner into the small passage, it was like three meters wide and could fit like, two persons walking beside each other.  Two tall houses rose beside it, one of them was just a plain wall while the other had a few balconies and a fire staircase going down. 

Inside the alleyway, I could see three silhouettes in a distance; not like a mile away but enough for me to not see them clearly. I made the conclusion that one of these was that silver boy, maybe him and his friends. 

I walked inside and suddenly I remembered that I could shout to get his attention, like why haven't I thought of it before. I seriously mentally facepalmed myself and made a quick low cough making myself ready to get his attention.

''Hey? Anyone there?'' I asked in a high tone. Walking further inside the alleyway.

The men looked up towards me and in a few seconds before all three of them started taking big steps towards me. I took a small step backward as I couldn't get a grip on the whole situation, what was happening?

As the men got closer I could see that none of them had silver hair, in fact, all of them had brown hair. All three of them were very big and looked like typical gangsters, the ones you see in movies. Tattoos, big muscles and black leather jackets suited the men.

As they got up to me, I could smell the alcohol and cigarette smoke lingering in the air. The smell followed the men over to me and made me wanna puke right there but I managed to keep a straight face.

I tried my best to push the fear away, to stand with confidence but it was hard.

''Have... have y-you seen a boy with silver hair?'' I asked them carefully.

''Let's see, no we haven't.'' One of the men smirked, telling me the information. ''But do not get sad, we're here and we could have some fun together.''

That was when the fear took all over my body, I could feel my heart thumping at a fast speed in my chest. My mind made a knot of itself as I didn't know what to do. My hands started to tremble and I had to dig them into my legs to stop shaking.

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