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We crashed at Yoongis place for the night, Taehyung on the couch and me on a mattress. When we came to his home, we all were so out of it so we just knocked out.

I woke up and checked the clock, it was around 11 am and both my friends were still asleep almost looking dead as they laid completely still. I decided not to wake them up out of pure laziness.

I got my ass into the kitchen to chug down two glasses of water before taking a shower. I knew Yoongi didn't care and I smelled horrible so what choice did I have. 

His apartment was small, consisting of a kitchen, a bathroom, and one other room which had a sofa and a bed in it. Outspread all over the whole place were different necessaries too. He was nowhere close to a person with a structure or someone who cared what their surroundings looked like. But what should I say, I wasn't like that either, maybe a bit better than him tho.

I got into the bathroom, stripped out of my clothes and entered the shower cabin. As the warm water slid down my skin I could feel myself relax and a big sigh escaped my mouth. 

After cleaning myself I got out and got back into my old clothes but I borrowed a pair of boxers from Yoongi. My outfit consisted of a pair of black ragged jeans and a black shirt too which I put into my jeans for a better look. I let my hair be a bit ruffled, I didn't really care.

As I got out of the bathroom Taehyung emerged from the kitchen, walking with a slice of bread in his hand taking bites from it. 

''You're up and shining.'' I said to him, notice the sarcasm.

''You too apparently.'' He replied back.

His face had gotten a few bruises from his fight yesterday, it was noticeable. A cut here and there and a few blue-ish spots. His red hair was all over the place from sleeping and he was still a bit drowsy.

''You showered?'' He asked me, pointing at my hair dripping water here and there.

''Yeah'' I replied shortly. ''Are Yoongi still sleeping?''

''Mhm, heavy as fuck. I tried to wake him up but he wouldn't budge. He just muttered a few swear words at me before spacing out again.'' He rolled his eyes.

We both made our way to our sleeping places as we sat down there, waiting for better times, not knowing what to do. I pulled out my phone and decided to play around with it while Taehyung just zoomed out staring out of the window.

''Ah, fuck... my head.'' Out of nowhere, a groan was heard from the bed as Yoongi woke up.

I grabbed my bottle of water, which I had gotten earlier, and threw it at him signaling him to drink. He opened the cap and chugged down the clear substance before putting the now empty bottle away.

''I have a clue where we could continue with the mission, if anyone is up to follow me?'' He said with a morning raspy voice sitting on the side of the bed.

''I have nothing to do so I'm in,'' I said.

''I can't, sorry. I have another thing to do...'' Taehyung got quieter as the sentence ended. It seemed a bit weird but I decided to not question it, no one does, ever.

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