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I closed the door gently behind me and then turned around to be met by a hallway, surprising right? 

The inside was so different from the outside, it was messy. A shirt was laying somewhere and a pair of boxers at another place. As soon as my eyes laid on the manly thing I could feel myself getting embarrassed, and a red color suited my chins. The walls were painted in a light blue color and the furniture was black. The floor was lighter colored wood and the planks meandered further into the house.

This house was really in the need of a clean. I wonder where his parents were, it seemed more like he lived alone than with his family. But from where I stood I could see a master bedroom and two others. The house was too big to be for just one person and the style didn't suit a young man in his 20.

The hallway was shaped like an L and to the left was the kitchen. From what I could see, it was delighted with white covered walls and simple white benches with similar cabinets. A few doors over the sink showed glass, mugs and other stuff through a glass wall. As a contrast from all the white, the dining table and a few other decorations were black, matching the hallway theme.

 To the right, there were two doors open, both revealing two pretty boyish rooms. I wonder if he had a brother or something. Bright blue light shone into the hallway from one of them as the other one displayed a darker blue color. The doors were white and on both of them were taped up papers, the papers themselves held history in the form of paintings made by children. I could distinguish two syllables on each one, but the one who was further away from me was ripped, only a small piece at the bottom kept the halves from separating. One-piece was hanging down over the other who was still on the door. Maybe one name on J and the other one on S.

The boy had scurried into the house, making his way towards a door right at the end of the hallway. He opened it and from where I stood, right in front of the door, a bathroom was visible inside the squared room. White and grey tile filled the wall and a shower and sink were noticeable from my view.

He opened a cabinet just over the sink to grab a red bag before closing and getting out of the bathroom. All this time I could feel how unnaturally still I was at the door. I felt slightly scared but still not, who was weird. I didn't know what to feel at this point, or in my shoes. People tell you to not trust strangers, but I felt something familiar and pleasant with this guy.

My thoughts were spinning around in my head, considering if this was a good idea or if I should take my chance and run out the door in a flash. But my feet were frozen all this time and just like that, he was a few meters in front of me coming closer.

''Come on, don't just stand there.'' He turned and went into the kitchen.  ''You can sit down here so we can clean that up.'' He gestured towards a chair which he dragged out from under the table in the kitchen. 

I took slow steps towards the chair, who was like four meters from my first position. I sat down like a rigid doll, starting to fipple with my fingers in my lap. He was now by the cabinet under a water brewer on top, it seemed like it took him a few minutes to find what he was looking for. Soon enough he popped up from it with a cloth, he grabbed a bowl of water which he had prepared earlier. 

He positioned himself in front of me, putting all the associates on the table at the side. 

''Are you okay?'' He asked as he dipped the cloth in the bowl.

The Sun & The Moon || p.jmDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora