Chapter 13

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Location: the beach house in Kona, Hawaii
"We do not speak that toward our guests." Rina snaps at the other woman before she leaves.

"What did she say?" Lance asks.

"She said she sensed an evil presence. She's a bit crazy. Anyway, enjoy your stay." Rina says waving goodbye.

Lance looks over at Jade and smiles. "She may not be as crazy as Rina thinks," Jade smirks and walks toward the master bedroom.
"Are you happy with how everything turned out?" Jade asks as the two last in bed on their final night.

"Yeah I am, this has really helped with the script... I'm gonna miss it here, its really nice." Lance says listening to the waves on the ocean.

"I know but we have to go home."
"Hey, you ready to go?" Jade asks after they get back to New York. It was 2 in the morning but they were both still jet-lagged and wide awake.

"Yep just give me one second." Lance finished and gets up closing his laptop. "How many vampires are there in New York?"

Jade is completely caught off guard, "um I don't know a lot? Why?"

"What do you mean you don't know? You don't know how many vampires there are in the city you live in?"

"Do you know how many humans there are in New York? Probably not. I'm sorry I don't have an exact number for you its not like we all get together every third Tuesday of the month and talk about stuff. Not all of us get along." Just as Jade said that one of the windows in the living area broke as something flew in shooting glass everywhere.

Without thinking Jade covered Lance with his body as the glass went everywhere. The thing on the floor was moving. Jade turned to face its eyes black and fangs barring. Staying in between Lance and the thing at all times.

It sat up and stared at the broken window slowly backing up toward Jade and Lance. When it was less than a foot from Jade's legs it snapped back and saw Jade. Jumping to its feet it put more space between it and Jade.

Not knowing what else to do Lance turned on the lights behind him lighting up the room. The lights came on and both it and Jade flinched to the light. Lance saw the same pitch-black eyes he knew all too well in the kid that couldn't be more than 16 standing in front of them. Jade noticed it too.
"And what did you say your name was again?" Lance asks the kid.

"Matyo Krupin." The kid says. Jade has yet to wrap his head around the fact that the kid came crashing through their window on the 21st floor of a skyscraper in downtown New York City.

"Hey, Matyo how did you get in here?" Jade asks from the window.

"I don't know the last thing I remember was walking down the street at like 7 last night."

Jade almost falls out the window when he hears this. "What day is it?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"Just answer the damn question." Jade almost shouts at the kid.

"It um its Christmas eve, December 24th, 2018." Matyo's voice goes small and quiet. Both Lance's and Jade's faces drop. Matyo looks at both of them. "Is that not correct?"

"Matyo we will be right back," Jade says pulling Lance out the front door.

"What? What is it? You know what happened to him don't you?" Lance raddles off question after question before Jade can even get a chance to close the door.

"No, I have no idea what happened to him. But Lance we can't just let him go, not in his condition." This is one of the only times Jade has been so worried about someone else.

"What do you mean condition he looks fine?"

"Yeah what about my condition? Is there something wrong with me?" Matyo asks carefully opening the door.

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