Chapter 23

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Location: Jade and Lance's apartment in downtown New York City
Lance hesitated for a moment before following Jade out, so much for his no more monsters at night wish.

The front door was busted open and several items in the kitchen were knocked to the floor along with broken glass. Lance quickly walked back upstairs and down the hall to Matyo's room. The door was ajar and as Lance pushed it open his worst fears were realized.

Jade's POV
Jade wasn't stupid he knew what had happened. There was something that looked like it was carved into the wall about 4 inches from the side of the door." 

The sight of the mark sent chills down his back

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The sight of the mark sent chills down his back. That was the mark of the most powerful clan of vampires in the nation -possibly the world- and the one clan that hated Jade because he wanted no part of them. He had a similar scar on his chest from years ago, the first time Jade had told them to leave him alone. It was the clans' way of branding their members.

"Jade! Matyo's gone!" Lance is frantic coming down the stairs. "I'm calling the police."

"No!" Jade jumps up.

"Jade," Lance starts off in a very calm tone. "Matyo is missing. I am calling the police!"

Jade shakes his head trying to find the right words. "You see that?" Jade points to the marking on the wall. "That's the mark for Bishop's clan. So either Matyo has become a delinquent and is now carving symbols into the wall or they were here. Pick your choice."
Location: Sadies apartment
"You did what!? Why would you drag his family into this?"

"It was the only way to get what we wanted. Hurry up I don't have all god damn night." The man said in a threatening tone.

Sadie gathers the last few things he wanted and puts them in a bag. "That's a good dog." He sneered taking the bag and leaving.

She fumed with anger, how dare he treat her like she was nothing more than an object to be used and abused. But what choice did she have? It was the only way to keep her pack safe. She would help Bishop's clan with anything they needed in exchange for the knowledge that her pack would not be harmed.

Ten minutes later her phone rings, it's Jade.


"Sadie have you spoken to Bishop's clan tonight?"

"Yes why, Jade what's going on." She hated having to lie to him.

"Matyo's gone and I think Bishop's behind it."

"Why would Bishop want anything to do with Matyo?"

"I don't know but I found their seal in our house. Sadie, I don't know what to do."

Her heart stopped, if she told him where Bishop was then her contract would be broken with the clan and that would mean danger for her pack. But if she didn't tell him then she would be lying to Jade and lose his trust. "What would you want Eli to do?"

"Eli? My creator?"

"Yeah if you were Matyo what would you want Eli to do?"

"Sadie you're a genius! Thank you." He hangs up. Now all she could do was wait and see if he got the message.

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