Chapter 22

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Location: Jade and Lance's apartment in downtown New York City
"Is it cleaned up?" Lance demands to know refusing to move until he has an answer.


"Did you really have to do that?"

Jade doesn't say anything.

"Where is Matyo?" Lance asks finally somewhat moving on.

"He went to bed."
Matyo's POV

There was a low laugh, "Amber, I know you can't kill me. You would have done it by now, but you can't, you'll hesitate again." Jade gets smacked across the face by a woman. She didn't look much older than Jade was but knowing the kind of crowd Jade was around she could be over 200 years old. Jade was hanging by his wrists on a long metal bar that was hanging in the air. His feet were barely touching the floor. Matyo's vision burled. He could hear screaming and cheering all around him. His head was spinning. When he could see again he watched as the woman -whom he now knew as Amber- stab something into Jade. Matyo tried to move but he couldn't he just lay there on the ground watching his best friend and father-like figure go limp. Matyo screamed but no sound came out, it was almost as if he wasn't there at all. He felt himself being lifted up and he opened his eyes again to see the ground below him quickly dropping away as he is being carried by his back reverse hog style. He felt himself get thrown against something hard. Things flashed before him quicker than Matyo could process what he was seeing. There were so many sounds and an overwhelming smell. Then everything stopped as quickly as it had all started. Matyo was standing against a wall as three men came toward him.

"They left you behind. They never wanted you. This is just a weight off their shoulders. Tell us where they went and we might spare you, might." One of the men said pulling out something that looked like a chair leg from a pocket in his jacket. Matyo had no idea what they were talking about. Who they were even talking to it couldn't have been him. Nobody had ever left him behind before. But he had also never seen these men before in his life. Matyo opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. He wasn't even sure that he had opened his mouth at all. The man with the chair leg had lost any patience he had had with Matyo and charged Matyo with the chair leg. He watched the man as he implanted the leg firmly in Matyo's chest. There was a split second where the man almost looked as if he wanted to take it all back but that quickly changed. He ripped the leg from Matyo's chest and Matyo fell to his knees. The words from the man repeated over and over again in his head. "They left you. They never wanted you. They never wanted you. They never wanted you. They left you." Matyo's vision went black again as he felt himself fall face-first to the ground.

Matyo sat bolt upright completely out of breath and completely covered in sweat. Quickly looking around the room he assured himself he was still in the apartment. Somehow remembering that he had just been stabbed he looked down and was pleased to see there was no hole, no blood, no chair leg.

Matyo got up quietly and went downstairs hoping to clear his head and calm down at the same time.
Jade and Lance's POV
Something had woken Lance up. Jade rolled over onto his back and Lance moved closer and put his head on Jade's chest letting the slow rhythmic breathing start to sent him back to sleep.


Lance opened his eyes but didn't dare move with everything going on he didn't want to even think about getting up to see what it was. There was no way he was running into any more supernatural beings at night.

Another one a few minutes later, this time it woke Jade up who sat full upright knocking Lance's head off his chest.

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