Chapter 14. Long Live The Queen!

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The Hellgan Castle looks gloomy as a terrible storm begins to roll in, thunder shakes the ground and lightning lights up the sky as two armored men accompany Dralmor into the dungeon. 

Dralmor opens both cells. Bring them. He barks.

The two armored men carry the maid and queen and follow Dralmor to a ritualist alter further underground. The alter has magical shackles bolted into the altar. Chains hang from the ceiling on either side of the altar. The bright candlelight looks on as one man chains the maid to the shackles hanging from the ceiling to the right of the altar, while the other chains the Queen to the altar.

Dralmor leans over the Queen and slaps her face gently. Time to wake up, Dragon Queen.

Estiga slowly opens her eyes. Whe... where am I.

You are on an altar I have built under my castle. I am Dralmor, King of the northernmost providences.

How dare you go against the peace treaty our Kingdoms have established!! What do you want from me, Dralmor? Estiga struggles at her shackles but realizes quickly that she can do nothing, not even take her dragon form to save herself.

What I want is your full cooperation and in return.... Dralmor walks over the maid. I will spare this girl's life.

YOU ARE A MONSTER!! Estiga's eyes become slitted and turn red.

Oh, do you recognize her? Oh, yes, wasn't she an orphaned survivor of a recent orc attack in Hagnor? A town, that I must add, falls in the territory of your precious kingdom.  What say you? As he raises his whip and brings it down on the maid's back with a crack. 

The maid cries out in pain, her cry echos through the room. 

Estiga's red eyes become filled with tears. My husband was right, we should have chosen war over peace with your kingdom. WE SHOULD HAVE REDUCED YOU AND YOUR CASTLE TO ASH!!

Dralmor looks at her with a disinterested expression. I see we will have to try harder. BRING IN THE BOY!! He angerly shouts.

Another armored man enters dragging behind him Grimfar, kicking and screaming and chains him up opposite the maid.

Now you have two children's lives on the line, Queen, what will you do? Dralmor produces a dagger and walks towards Grimfar.

PLEASE, MY LORD, PLEASE DO NOT HURT ME!!! Grimfar howls in fear.

WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TO HIM?! Estiga screams angerly.

Dralmor holds Grimfar's head still and places the dagger inches from his right eye. I will begin carving away at his body, starting with his eyes, till you agree to serve me.

Please don't hurt me. Grimfar whimpers in tears.


Dralmor stops and releases Grimfar, walking towards the Queen. That is EXACTLY what I wanted to hear! Dralmor plunges his dagger into the Queen's right hand, as she screams in pain. I don't need you alive, I never did, I simply needed to awaken the dragon within you enough to draw it out when you die.

YOU ARE INSANE! Estiga cries. 

No, sweet Queen. He stabs her through the heart and leans closer to her ear. I'm a necromancer.

Estiga's eyes become wide with fear, as she stares into the glowing yellow eyes of the man before her. Her chest tightens as she feels her life draining into the dagger. 

With her very last breath she speaks a single word, a single name. Indrim........... Her body falls limp, her lifeless eyes glazed over.

Dralmor stands up, his eyes still glowing yellow, and moves to the head of the altar. COME, QUICKLY, WE HAVE NO TIME TO WASTE! He shouts.

The three armored men kneel before him, at the head of the altar.


A yellow path of light flows from Grimfar, the maid, and the three armored men into Darlmor's balled up hands. Slowly each of them is reduced to skin and bones as their life energy leaves their bodies. The dagger that just recently drew blood from the Queen now floats in the air around Dralmor's hands.

With this pact of blood and souls, I form the crystal of the Necromancer King. Dralmor chants as the dagger enter his grip, cutting the palms of his hands.

His blood combines with the souls and the blood of the Queen forming a blood red crystal. Dralmor cups the crystal in his hands and slowly makes his way over to the Queen's body, placing it into her chest.

He places his hands over her chest. SEAL! He shouts. 

His hands glow yellow as the stab wound begins to heal. The Queen's veins glow red as her body convulses. Her head jerks upwards as she gasps for breath. Dralmor removes his hands as he returns to normal.

How do you feel? Dralmor asks.

I feel warm. Estiga says in a whisper.

Who do you serve?

You, my master.

Good. Dralmor removes the shackles and helps the Queen up into a kiss. Serve me well.

Yes, my master.

Dralmor leads Estiga up through the dungeon and out through the front gate of the castle. Standing behind her, he holds her shoulders. KILL ALL IN YOUR PATH. He commands, pushing her forward.

Estiga's eyes instantly become slitted and red as she runs forward, and in a flash of lightning takes her dragon form to the sky. 

Dralmor smiles wide and turns and returns to his now empty castle.

A now undead Queen has been unleashed upon the world, and now, dear reader, you have been caught up. What will happen now, can our hero overcome the odds and save the world, or will he fall? Find out in the next chapter, Day x Night.

The Dragon King, Book 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora