Chapter 16. Moving Forward

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Back at the Castle, Ronin takes the form of Edgar again to smooth things over quickly, although he knows eventually the kingdom will have to know of his existence. Standing before the throne is Indrim, Itsuki, Victor, Hafise, Rikao, and Dremor. Up for discussion are various subjects such as: what to do with Hellgan Castle in the north, the rewards for Itsuki and his family, the demi-human hospitality bill, military action of Foiah, etc.

First to start was of course Victor. My King, I understand that Itsuki may be in great danger, from attack, living where he and his family do now, but we can not house a family his side here.

Rest assured, Victor, I have given this much thought, and I would like my son, Hafise, to take ownership of Hellgan Castle as Lord of the northern providences. At least, until such time he has found a suitable wife, at which time he shall be named King of Hellgan.

You honor me, father. Hafise kneels.

It shall be your responsibility to turn Hellgan into a thriving town, welcoming to all. Meanwhile, you shall house Itsuki, his family, and one hundred of our finest knights. There is no need to keep our secret from Itsuki and his trusted companions, as they are more than aware, however, they are all swore to secrecy under penalty of death.

Understood, father.

Also, Rikao shall travel to Hellgan often to study under you and Itsuki until such time as he has improved his standing.

Rikao kneels without a word.

Kawa..... The Manson shall now fall under our Kingdom's jurisdiction, allowing us to utilize it as we see fit, will that be acceptable for now, Itsuki?

I am most humbled by your generosity, Your Magisty, and will accept any aid you provide. Itsuki kneels.

Hafise, see to the relocation and fortification project at once.

Yes, father. Hafise turns and leaves with Itsuki and Rikao.

Dremor, fortify our defenses for anything the enemy may throw at us.

At once, My King. Dremor dows and leaves.

I trust that is all acceptable to you, Indrim? Ronin asks.

Most definitely. Indrim responds with a smile and mouths thank you.

Victor, you have learned the gate spell, yes?

Yes, Your Highness.

Then I leave you and Indrim to figure out what you want to do with the Manson.

Ronin stands and walks down to them. Let us talk in the Library.

Retiring to the Library, Ronin takes his personal form and tells Victor about all that has happened and hands him the red crystal.

I need you to lock this away, let none get their hands on it. Ronin says with a serious expression.

I will indeed.

Let us then go see our prisoner. Ronin looks at Indrim.

Indrim nods as they head to the dungeon where Dralmor sits bound in magic shackles. 

As they enter, he rises. What do I owe this great pleasure?

Hold your tongue, dog, least I feel the need to cut it out. Ronin stares him down.

Dralmor looks at Indrim. Would you like to know how your mother screamed and cried as I killed her?

Indrim's eyes turn red and slitted. I think you should really hold your tongue.

Oh but she screamed so passionately. Dralmor continues.

Indrim? Ronin looks concerned.

Indrim rips the cell door off and pins Dralmor, by his throat, against a wall. Can you read minds? She asks growling. 

Dralmor cannot speak as he is being chocked.

What is that? I can't hear you, you seem to have something in your throat. Shall I help you get it out? 

Dralmor shakes his head.

Then keep your filthy.. mouth.. shut. Indrim slams his head against the wall, knocking him out.

Feel better? Ronin asks.

Indrim inhales slowly. A little bit.

A little is better.

Martha walks in. MEAW, are you two having fun without me?

SHIT, loli cougar. Ronin gasps.

I have news from the southern provenance.

What is it? Indrim asks.

The ruler of the kingdom has sent a detachment, with unknown motives, to Dragul.

How long before they arrive?  Ronin asks.

One day. Martha exclaims.

We are in fair standings with them, so it is likely a peaceful detachment. Edgar says.

Perhaps, but I have a bad feeling about this. Ronins says in thought.

What does the southern kingdom want? Find out next time.

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