Chapter 15. Day x Night

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Back in the present moment, our hero stares in shock at the sight of the Queen flying through the air. Nearby, Indrim is ecstatic.

MOMMA!!! Indrim shouts with a thunderous boom.

The Queen seems to take notice and turns in flight and slowly heads toward Indrim.

Indrim Waves at her.

Itsuki looks to be in shock. Something is wrong..

What do you mean? Ronin asks.

Use the life detect spell, Ronin. Vamor says.

LIFE DETECT! Ronin shouts in his thoughts. Looking up at the dragon, he sees nothing, however turning to the others, he sees a bright glowing ora around them. Sh...she is dead! He says in shock.

WHAT DO YOU MEAN, SHE IS RIGHT THERE. Indrim shouts in blind excitement.

Ronin grabs Indrim by the shoulders and shakes her. Use the life detect, Indrim, you'll see what i mean.

Indrim uses the spell, but again she sees nothing when she looks at her mother. She turns her head slowly to the others with tears in her shocked eyes, seeing their ora's glow. I... I can't believe it. Ronin, please tell me I'm dreaming. She grasps at his coat. Please.... just wake me from this nightmare. 

Ronin's eyes blazed in red, slitted thin, looks up at the approaching Queen. Itsuki, I want who did this, and I want them alive. Can you do that?

Yes, I shall deliver them personally. Itsuki turns to Martha with a nod. Martha opens a gate to Hellgan Castle and they walk through, as it closes behind them.

Brenda, Vamor, take the children and run, as far away as you can. Ronin orders.

Brenda bows and rushes into the mansion.

What are you going to do? Vamor asks in haste.

I will keep her busy, so you can get away. Ronin begins to be consumed by shadow.

Indrim grabs his arm, though the cloud of shadow. Please don't leave me too.

I don't plan on it. Ronin replies. 

Indrim lets go just as Ronin jumps into the air, followed by a pillar of shadow. Just as he starts to fall back into the cloud of black two eyes can be seen glowing just before he emerges as a giant black dragon. He flys, at top speed, straight towards the giant white dragon, ramming into her with his claw tight around her head. Forcing her down to the ground with a thunderous crash he pins her down. The Queen struggles and wildly whips her tail trying to shake him off. She finally gets her head free and blasts Ronin to the face with bright white flames, pulling away quickly while he is temporarily blinded. 

Meanwhile, in the mansion, Brenda and Vamor work quickly to transport the children through a gate to Hagnor, where they are met by Dremor.

What is going on? Dremor demands.

The King is doing battle with the enemy. Vamor exclaims. He ordered us to evacuate the surrounding areas.

Is anyone there to aid him? Dramor asks.

The Princess is there, but he has taken the fight head on himself. 

It was our King's wish, before he left, to crush our enemies himself, we would only get in his way, if we were to go. We shall stand by, and trust our King knows what he is doing.

I think that would be best, also. Vamor responds.

Likewise, at Dralmor Castle, Itsuki and Martha arrive in the throne room where Dralmor sits patiently.

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