Love is figurative

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*Light's POV*

The next morning was as rough as I could of imagined. Since this 'Death Note' has entered my life, I feel happier. The only thing I'm not happy about is the fact that I have College soon & I have to make a stupid speech to all the people who didn't get higher scores. In my own opinion here, it's unfair as it makes them feel powerless. But isn't that the point Light? NO! Well, I guess. Man, those eyes might of come in handy now. But I just hope that my accompaniment isn't a girl, because getting aroused isn't the idea. So for my sake, I hope it's a boy! I wonder how my dad is doing with the whole Kira case? Damn. That's the other thing! I know that this Death Note has made the world stand in awe for about 4 weeks now , but I can't be seen with it. I don't wanna get caught with it in plain sight!

Also, on another note, there was this guy who sat strangely during the entrance exam. He just stared at me the whole time. Perv. Plus, he wore too much eyeliner, either that or he's an insomniac! I mean seriously, every millisecond, focused on me! I know I'm a popular kid in looks and all that, but god... He's the creepiest I've come across.

"Light! Come on! Your going to be late!", "Coming mum! Idoit! I knew that ". I said the last part quietly as I don't wanna offend her and quickly shoved the death note in my bag, only with a different cover. I'M NOT A SMART ARSE BEFORE YOU JUDGE ME!

*5 minutes after leaving*

Run Light... You can't escape this one. There's someone following you! Run! The footsteps got ever closer and I had to pick up pace, & it seemed that they had as well. Don't think of it Light. Pretend he isn't there! "Light Yagami?" Damn! I'm done for. Kill me now, I'm in way too deep to back out now! "Why are you so tense Light? There's no need to worry!" I turned round and jumped in utter shock. Messed up Black hair, white shirt, blue jeans and the eyeliner? "Your the creep from the exam!" I yelled making a few steps back. "Creep now am I? Well that's slightly rude Mr Yagami! I'm Ryuzaki! And I'm your speech partner!"

So this is the guy? Oh hell no! I'm not making a speech with this...this... "Light? Are you okay? You don't look the same?" I don't look the same? He IS a stalker! "What do you mean by ' I don't look the same'?" Ryuzaki's face dropped in confusion and he scrambled his mind for an answer, knowing for a fact he was in for a judging look.

*L's POV*

"What do you mean by ' I don't look the same'?" Crap... He's figured it out! I can't tell him I've been spying on him. I've only just met the guy! Even if I did...How the hell would I introduce that? Oh hi, I've been spying on you!

"Well... I've seen you before" I finally mustered at last, "In school and around you see. And you have gone pale...That's all", "Right? I was going to introduce myself but you already know me, but why not anyway" Light chuckled, his dimples coming through his face. "I'm Light, Light Yagami & My father is a police officer! How about yourself?" Oh god! What do I say? I can't reveal too much!There is a high chance he is Kira! " I'm Ryuzaki & I'm the worlds best detective and I've never been wrong. My parents are in England...But I hardly keep in touch with them. What about your age?", "Well I'm 19 going on 20! Yourself?" "Well, I'm 21 bu-"

Damn Bell! Why always on my account! It's always as I'm getting that 1 inch closer isn't it?

*Light's POV*

Ryuzaki? Yeah, sure! Of course I believe that crap! I know that I killed a fake L.. but what if he's the real L? It wouldn't make any sense! But I can always find out more, we share the same class, thank god(or shall I say Kira) for small miracles like this! Ryuk was right, something isn't right with the world today. I need to know about his plan about Kira. What if he's planning to hunt me down or worse.....

Kill me.

*A/N: What is L's Plan? Will Light ever find out? Tune in next week on Glee! sorry had to! Anyways! hope you are enjoying the story so far! I love writing this! Chapter 3 on Sunday(or Saturday!) Like,Comment and share! And don't forget to stay classy! DansMaltesers*

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