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Upon his Return home for all of ten Days again, Nikki was just about ready to have Rikki cover his six for a month straight. He was drop-dead exhausted from this insane schedule Neglektra wanted the band on, and for the last month, he’d been having trouble keeping just about everything he ate down. It was like his stomach was constantly roiling, and the more he overheated or the harder a pothole or turbulence their bus or plane hit, the worse it got.

        When he got into the kitchen to put a few things away, part of him wasn’t surprised to find a note from his mate saying that he’d gone into the studio to work on Flesh and Blood with Poison more. That was just part of his job as bassist and backing vocalist for the younger band, so it was expected at one point or another. What did surprise him, though was finding a bottle of pink liquid not quite as bright as Pepto-Bismol on the counter since that hadn’t been here when he left. The older bassist picked it up and–after reading the label–realized it was basically a prescription version of Pepto-Bismol, and written out for his mate.

        “Huh, I guess Bobby’s had the flu lately, too,” he murmured, shrugging as he set the bottle back down on the counter where he’d found it. “Can’t really fault him for going to Stonie to get this, if nothing else worked for him, I guess…”

        Knowing there wasn’t much he could do about the situation since the younger bassist obviously wasn’t home–and knowing it might not be that big a deal–he decided to head on upstairs. He needed a nap, if nothing else, and he could always inquire about his mate’s Health once he got home and they were both awake again. There was no sense in calling the studio just to ask about something like that without a really bad gut feeling, ’cuz either nobody’d hear the phone ring, or he wouldn’t be able to come take the call. And when Bobby got into a groove with his recording, he’d either shut down their psychic link to avoid being disturbed, or be so focused, he never heard a Thought from him.

        It didn’t take long for Nikki to take care of what lil business anyone’d have to before a nap and strip down, a sigh drifting from his lips as he settled into bed. The mattress felt like a Cloud cradling his weary, aching body, and he could already feel his spine realigning itself. Moments later, with his pillow adjusted comfortably and the sheet pulled up to his hips, he was out like a Light.

The first thing the older bassist became aware of as he awoke a few hours later was warmth running all along his spine, albeit not in a bad way. It was pretty obvious that somebody’d snuggled up to him as the big spoon, given the arm wrapped around his waist and a fairly familiar prodding against his rump. Only one person besides his Elvin buddy got away with that, and since Rikki’d been missing his own wife, he knew it couldn’t be him curled around his back side.

        Moving enough to peek over his shoulder, he couldn’t help the small smile that curved his lips when he saw his sleeping mate. Bobby’d turned his head just enough for his noseta peek out and allow him to breathe, but otherwise, had his face buried against his shoulder blade. It was always a cute sight, one that never failed to make his heart flutter with Love and Happiness the likes of which he couldn’t have imagined even five Years ago. There was nothing like being mated, whether it wasta a girl or another guy, even when they fought like–well, Cats and Dogs. He’d take the younger bassist in a bad enough mood to be throwing half their flatware at him over being alone for the rest of his long Life any Day.

        Since he didn’t feel the need to get up just yet, Nikki merely turned his head and sighed, thinking about trying to go back to sleep since he was still exhausted. He didn’t wanna disturb his mate, who’d looked just as exhausted, if the bags under and Dark Circles around his eyes were anything to go by. Then again, he never wanted to disturb him when it was obvious he was sleeping good, Morn Wood or no.

Flesh and Blood (Sequel to Poison'd Crüe)Where stories live. Discover now