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It was July before they could manage to plot out a Time for the two bassiststa see each other, much less have the boys see their mama again. Poison was putting on a show in San Bernardino on the sixth, then in Irivine on the seventh, before they started heading up North for a show in Sacramento before any other dates that took them further North. Bobby and Nikki both agreed that, with or without the use of Rikki’s skill with Transference, it’d be easiest for the older bassist and their sonsta come see him at their Irvine show since that was honestly the closest to their Thousand Oaks home.

        The older bassist decided that, sick as it’d make them for the first few minutes after arrival, Transference was the easier way to go. He knew he’d be stuck in the truck with two cranky toddlers, if he tried to make the drive to Irvine, ’cuz traffic was notorious for snarling at the drop of a hat. Thankfully, the Elvin man was agreeable to that since he understood his reasoning, so they were able to leave once the diaper bag was packed.

        In his dressing room backstage, Bobby was just relaxing as much as he could, his neck hurting from the Travel and sleeping on it wrong the Night before. He wasn’t sure what Time all three of his boys’d get here, so he wasn’t exactly expecting his door to fly open. Startled, he shot up from where he’d been stretched out on the couch and was about to growl when he was tackled back onto the cushions. The happy shrieks of Mammina! instantly told him who it was, and he couldn’t help the grin that threatened to split his face. He somehow managed to sit up as he hugged Zeo and Aidan, the boys squealing and giggling as he covered their lil faces in kisses.

        Hearing a chuckle, the younger bassist looked up to see his mate following behind the boys with their diaper bag hanging from his shoulder. He was beyond ecstatic as Nikki leaned down to give him a kiss while setting said bag down on the floor before settling next to him. The past few months’d felt more like Years without his family, and he fully Intended to enjoy his Time with them since he knew it’d be months before he got to see them again after tonight.

        “I don’t even think I need to ask, if you’re happy to see us,” the older bassist chuckled, Zep and Aidan happily snuggling their mama.

        “No way, love,” Bobby laughed as he rubbed their ears. “Ya wouldn’t believe how much I missed y’all.”

        “I think I could tell by your phone calls,” he said, laughing as he kissed him again. “And the puppy-Dog eyes that’ve been in every picture to appear just about anywhere lately.”

        “Hey, I’ve never been able to help the puppy-Dog eyes!” the younger bassist shot back with a grin.

        “Never said it was a bad thing, sweetheart,” Nikki chuckled. “I, personally think it’s downright adorable.”

        He couldn’t help a blush, which made the boys giggle and poke his cheeks.

        “Mama pink!” Zep giggled.

        “Yepper, dat’s right–Mama be a pretty pink,” his mate agreed, which just made him turn red.

        “Mama kissie Mater!” Aidan squealed.

        “Chu boogers be as bad as Daddy about teasing Mama!” Bobby said, tickling both boys.

        The peals of laughter that rang out apparently attracted the attention of his band mates, ’cuz Bret, Rockett, and Richie all soon appeared in the doorway. None of them could stop the smiles that crossed their faces when they saw the boys, who ran over to hug their uncles around their legs till they picked them up. That left the younger bassist free to finally give his mate a true hug and kiss, which was gladly Returned without a moment’s hesitation.

        Bobby couldn’t help the grin that split his face when he was told the plan wasta have Rikki take the boys back home after the show so they could get some alone Time. He loved his kits and when they got to see him perform, but he needed a different kinda lovin’ neither wanted them witnessing. It’d been far too long, as far as he was concerned, since he’d gotten any action after learning that valuable lesson with Mishy.

Flesh and Blood (Sequel to Poison'd Crüe)Where stories live. Discover now